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published in(发表于) 2016/11/25 4:08:34 Edit(编辑)
Men stealing QQ fraud 20 parents of students a total of more than 300,000: sentenced to 6 years and 4 months

Men stealing QQ fraud 20 parents of students a total of more than 300,000: sentenced to 6 years and 4 months(男子盗学生QQ诈骗20名家长共30余万:获刑6年零4个月,)



Men stealing QQ fraud 20 parents of students a total of more than 300,000: sentenced to 6 years and 4 months-IT information

To apply to join the QQ Group of schools, Foshan, Dongguan, and then bought the Trojans posted links to the group, the background the QQ number theft of student and fake students asking parents for tuition fees, and pretending to be a teacher and rang up to ask the parent dialog. A 20 year old boy using the above method, 20 of committing fraud in less than two months more than 300,000 yuan.

Recently, the third Court of first instance in the case of Dongguan city sentenced Tang Moubin fraud of the defendant was sentenced to six years and four months and fined 30,000 yuan, for the withdrawal of the three "after the" small partners was based on fraud and cover up, concealing the proceeds of crime offences punishable by imprisonment ranging from three months to four years 11 months and fined.

Steal QQ dress like a child asking parents for tuition fees

"Daddy, we invited to the United States to school training, a senior Professor at Harvard University, you can learn a lot of knowledge, English tutoring, math, I would like to sign up for this training. "" Only 200 places, I was one of them, today at 13 o'clock of the list, sign up for payment. ”……

March 7 to 11 o'clock, Mr Wu Dongguan mobile QQ alerts you to new messages in a row, he opened it is a daughter looking for him. A child learning things, and he didn't want to let his daughter signed up, daughter back after paying money, a start is 8800 Yuan, said to be responsible for the registration back to the teacher on the phone. His payment, daughter says 8800 is the cost of a course, a total of two courses. So he again sink 8800 Yuan.

After a while, said to her daughter's profile and hearing aids cost a total of 23000 RMB, or unable to class, he asked her daughter to go to school, immediately after each other responses are true, he remitted to the designated account as required. Later, the daughter said to import 15000 Yuan, said to be good in the future, you can participate in the exchange of cultural activities, training again when he told my daughter that money can no longer ignore, both ended the chat.

That evening, Mr NG phone with her daughter's class teacher know there's no such thing as he was cheated, he has three total remittance fraud 40600.

Less than two months 20 parents deceived

Like Wu be deceived is not alone.

From February 2016 began, only junior high school culture of 20 age boy Tang Moubin on through QQ application joined some Dongguan, and Foshan famous school of QQ Group, will bought of Trojans program links to the Group of people, as long as group in of people points open links, he on can in background steal QQ,, then see other whether has parents contact people, as has on fake other to other parents said has training to make training fee.

In order to let parents convinced he passes also provide a telephone number to the other parents, said to be responsible for the registration phone number teacher, parents call to verify when someone sent a bank account.

So, less than two months, Tang Moubin succeeded again, committing 20 cases, involving up to 332,000.

After lying to get money, then via online bank transfer to his pals Liu Moucong and willow in a card and let them out, give them a 10% Commission.

At the trial, defendant Tang Moubin said he separately from online and mobile phone shops have bought more than 10 bank cards and phone cards to fraud. He just took the bank cards, USB, deceive others transferred money after money from the Internet, threw away his bank card was frozen. When parents call him claiming to be Miss Wang, phone card is thrown again.

Recently, the third Court of first instance in the case of Dongguan city sentenced Tang Moubin fraud of the defendant was sentenced to six years and four months and fined 30,000 yuan, for the withdrawal of the three "after the" small partners was based on fraud and cover up, concealing the proceeds of crime offences punishable by imprisonment ranging from three months to four years 11 months and fined.

男子盗学生QQ诈骗20名家长共30余万:获刑6年零4个月 - IT资讯
















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