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published in(发表于) 2016/11/25 4:08:32 Edit(编辑)
Man was found Beijing Jingdong vulnerability brush bean: set of 8 million Yuan,

Man was found Beijing Jingdong vulnerability brush bean: set of 8 million Yuan,(男子发现京东漏洞狂刷京豆:套现800万元,)



Man was found Beijing Jingdong vulnerability brush bean: RMB 8 million-IT information

Used to praise you can get "Beijing beans" vulnerability, the man Deng in other people's identity cards to buy more than more than 30 Diamond level customers, first fictitious transactions, then give "liking", cheated in 10 months Beijing East payments worth more than 8 million yuan of the Beijing beans.

This morning, the Tang of alleged fraud at the second trial.

In court, Deng a contested the allegations, and said he admitted committing, does make a profit, "but I don't think this is fraud, only disrupted market order."

Some defenders believe that Deng Deng's behavior did not constitute fraud Jingdong is not the true victims, Deng pleaded not guilty.

Prosecutors allege: buy sell written praise bean gets Beijing suspected fraud

Check party allegations, Deng a Yu July 2014 to May 2015 between, in Jingdong Mall opened online shop, through since buy since sold, and give praise, gets Beijing bean and using Beijing bean again for false trading of way, cheat Beijing Beijing East century trade limited returned businesses of payment amounted to more than 8 million Yuan, now is has payment more than 248,000 more than Yuan and the network silver wallet balance more than 34,000 more than Yuan temporarily buckle Yu Beijing Beijing East century trade limited.

Prosecutors believe Deng for the purpose of illegal possession and defrauding of public or private property, the amount involved is especially huge, criminal facts are clear, the evidence is true and sufficient, fraud should be investigated for criminal liability.

The crime: after spot checks found abnormal 300,000 orders Jingdong found alert

Prosecutors issued by Wang Jingdong Mall staff testimony shows, Jingdong Deng found a brush after the first shop and then the police.

Wang said that in order checks and found a large number of purchase orders for goods with 50, after further investigations, found that such orders had 300,000 single. After analysis of Jing dong found these orders out of 34 businesses, these businesses were registered in Shenzhen, the depositary bank in Mianyang, Sichuan province. Analysis revealed that the operation is the same IP address multiple business sale, and the IP address the IP address of the buyer and multiple sellers overlaps, Jingdong to determine this behavior should be businesses from buying selling bean cheat Beijing's orders.

Such orders in May 2015, 300,000 a day, obtaining refund nearly 200,000 a day, so on May 25 this year, Jingdong merchants have frozen. There is a shop near Cao Moulai the Jingdong, head of asking why the freezing of accounts, then Jing dong select alarm.

According to Wang said, Jingdong Mall Beijing bean trading, every 100 Beijing beans can be deducted 1 Yuan in cash, Beijing-bean deductions does not exceed 50%.

Statement: write beans inspired praise can be Beijing organized scalping

Allegations, Deng demurred, "I admit that I do it, and do benefit from the, but I don't think this is fraud, only disrupted market order."

Deng said that in early 2014 and his friend Cao Jing dong shop, occasionally an opportunity, a female customer to buy a bus card that cost 15 Yuan, said the buyers only buy a bus pass, bus cards but for many designs have placed an order, but actually make money only to buy a suit. Female clients say this is because you can write a few more high praise, you can get bean Jingdong to Beijing, you can use beans in Beijing charging calls.

"I didn't know it could make money, so I started hiring people to scalp. "Deng said, he found that available through scalping Beijing beans, organized 15 people for scalping.

In order to earn more tips to buy diamond account

Deng said her first sale, Beijing Jingdong eventually gave him the beans, he also gave Jingdong evaluation, but he found that if the lowest account number, Jingdong to few of the tips, if you use the highest grade diamond account evaluation given Beijing and beans. Diamonds account for high standards, to years for 30,000 yuan to be diamonds account.

"I was done before purchasing, I have some diamond account, I bought, but I didn't think Beijing East does not endorse this behavior. Copper accounts for if I, tips for enough money to pay commissions ".

Deng said Jingdong store provides a sales task requiring no scalping, find will be fine. Good performance in Beijing East shops ranking, has been ranked in the front of the store, Dian Xiao er tips for some advertising, ranking behind the bartender would not give benefits, not rewards, "would squeeze me. ”

"We store just fine and enhance struggle stores scalping is helpless. "Deng said.

Brush earned 32 Yuan hire brush 5000 a day

Deng said a diamond buyer to buy 50 items, value beans 40 Beijing Jingdong to reward, the fees deducted 8 Yuan Jing-dong, so another can profit 32.

Starting from March 2015, Deng just do scalp, scalping hired a large number of people, many times every day around 5000 single, gets about 150,000 Beijing beans. In late May 2015, Deng in Beijing Dong all the stores were seized by Jing dong.

"I started my own brushes, then hire people to brush, scalp can quickly produce a profit, scalping purchase buyer account is purchased online, 50 Yuan each, bought a total of 1000 diamonds, was bought from Taobao, a total of thousands of points to scalping the account buys. "Deng said.

Defenders: do not constitute fraud Jingdong fault

Deng, yingke law firm a defender made Gao Tongwu, Deng did implement a scalping, but this did not constitute fraud, but acts of unfair competition, disrupted the market order, he pleaded not guilty.

"From the perspective of the store process, and whether the fake transactions or the real deals, Jingdong Mall every 8% merchants will be charged fees, was well received, increased visibility, East Beijing are beneficiaries, not victims, Jing dong itself was at fault".

He said Deng's acts did disturb the market order, it is a civil and commercial acts, no breaches of the criminal law should not be adjusted by a criminal. Deng's behavior should not be identified as fraud, should be guilty of the crime.

Jingdong responding to scalping 5,000 defraud a returning every day 200,000

Issued by the prosecution of evidence, according to the store provides, an order 50 in less than 10 Yuan, before each of the five assessment given Beijing beans, total 1.8 Yuan. Such an order, Beijing East, worth 40 Yuan Beijing-beans.

Businesses made over 500 minus 400 activities, transactions in East Beijing was actually 100 Yuan, Jing dong takes the order 2%-10% trading commissions. According to this basis, business orders for every 100 Yuan, Jing dong 2-10 Commission will actually give. Other money through Jingdong company online back to business online banking.

Following orders, merchants will pay in Beijing beans, this completes the set. Beijing East near 40% of the rebates paid to businesses by Jingdong of Beijing beans into cash, the loss is actually East of Beijing.

On checking, in May 2015, the daily has the fake scalp 5000 single to defraud companies returning nearly 200,000 a day.

Jingdong mall told law reporter late in the morning, Jingdong current brush line is strictly prohibited, and increasing the investigation.

男子发现京东漏洞狂刷京豆:套现800万元 - IT资讯





检方指控:自买自卖写好评 获取京豆涉嫌诈骗



案发:抽查发现30万个异常订单 京东发现后报警


王某称,在对交易单抽查时 发现大量购买50个商品的订单,经过再次调查后,发现这样的订单有30万单。经过分析后京东发现这些订单出自34个商家,这些商家都是在深圳注册的,开户银行都在四川绵阳。通过分析后发现是同一个IP地址操作多个商家买卖,而且买家的IP地址与多个卖家的IP地址是重合的,因此京东确定这种行为应该是商家自买自卖骗京豆的订单。

这样的订单在2015年5月每天30万单 ,每天骗取返款近20万,因此今年的5月25日,京东对商家进行了冻结。不久有一家商铺的负责人曹某来找京东问为何冻结账户,随后京东选择了报警。


供述:写好评能获京豆 受启发组织刷单



“我才知道这样可以挣钱,于是我开始雇人刷单。”邓某说, 他发现可以通过刷单获取京豆后,就组织了15个人进行刷单。

为赚取更多打赏 购买钻石账号





刷一单盈利32元 雇人每天刷5000单

邓某说一个钻石买家买50种商品,京东给价值40元京豆奖励, 扣除8元京东的手续费,因此刷一单能获利32元.


“我一开始自己刷,后来雇人刷,刷单可以很快产生利润,刷单购买的买家账户都是网上购买的,50元一个,一共买了1000个钻石,都是在淘宝买的, 一共有几千个买来的账户分给刷单账户。”邓某说。

辩护人:不构成诈骗罪 京东有过错




京东回应 每天假刷单5000个 骗取返还款20万




经核查,在2015年5月以后,每天有这样的假刷单5000单 ,骗取公司返还款每天近20万。


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