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published in(发表于) 2016/11/23 4:36:49 Edit(编辑)
Hackers exploit: ATM money automatically,

Hackers exploit: ATM money automatically,(黑客攻击漏洞:让ATM自动吐钱,)



Hackers exploit: ATM money-IT information automatically

Asian and European countries in the near future the banks ATM machines was attacked by malicious hackers, outward automatically spit out money. In light of this, yesterday, Russia, a security company Group iB published a report, pointed out that the global ATM machine hack event is likely associated with Cobalt Group in Eastern European hacker groups.

Earlier this month, United Kingdom by Tesco Bank became the first European attacks, when the Bank was forced to fully shut down the online banking system, but still lost £ 2.5 million. In earlier times, Taiwan's first Bank (Taiwanese First Bank) lost $2.5 million in the summer, Thailand's State-owned Government Savings Bank (Government Savings Bank) lost $350,000, at the beginning of this year, Russia's banks lost $28 million in total.

Reports did not disclose the attack list of specific banks, but said United Kingdom, and Russia, and Spain, and Poland and the Netherlands, and Romania, and Estonia, and Armenia, and Bulgaria and other 14 countries of the ATM machine is under attack.

Reports that hackers do not need physical manipulation with the ATM machine, remote execution attacks with malicious software that infected the banking system, this ATM machine is a huge turning point in the history of hacking.

黑客攻击漏洞:让ATM自动吐钱 - IT资讯

近期亚欧国家的多家银行ATM机被黑客恶意攻击,向外自动吐出钞票。针对于此,昨日,俄罗斯的一家安全公司Group iB公布了一份报告,指出这次全球大规模ATM机被黑事件很可能与欧洲东部的Cobalt Group黑客团体有关。

本月早些时候,英国的Tesco银行成为欧洲第一个遭受攻击的对象,当时这家银行被迫全面关闭网上银行系统,但还是损失了250万英镑。在更早的时候,台湾第一银行(Taiwanese First Bank)在今年夏天损失了250万美元,泰国的国有政府储蓄银行(Government Savings Bank)损失35万美元,在今年年初,俄罗斯的银行总共损失了2800万美金。



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