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published in(发表于) 2016/11/21 7:55:56 Edit(编辑)
Women’s 11 slams brushes get designer handbags, next day was told order cancelled

Women’s 11 slams brushes get designer handbags, next day was told order cancelled(女子双11猛刷抢到名牌包,次日被告知订单取消,)



Women's 11 slams brushes get designer handbags, the next day was told order cancelled-IT information

Little red book platform known as can I buy good things around the world, but the young woman felt in the fashion of the "double 11" is played by little red book.

On November 10, she ran into their like Alexander Wang shoulder bag for a long time, almost sold at half price in the little red book platform, more than 5,000 yuan package as long as the original 2238. She was continually refreshed, brush all the way to mercy, finally put it in the Pocket.

Did not expect the next day, orders for this doesn't come easy, but was cancelled by the little red book without authorization!

Rush spent the day time

Young fashion of the women working in the public relations firm, Ferial, a time to care about fashion, the dress is also very study, net red explosions, fashion trends, she is very good at.

November 10, at 10 o'clock in the morning, she, as usual, online fashion, suddenly received the little red book the app snapped up from public news. "I saw ' now Rob ' hurry inside, brush half seeing Alexander Wang backpack! "The Lady said," the point is that as long as 2238, cheaper by half, I've never seen such a low price! ”

Without giving too much thought, she pressed the "click to snap up", but is, to snap up interface bag was robbed. According to get experience in the past, the Lady began to purchase interface refresh, "at first I almost refreshing in an hour, just brush her soft". After a period of time, almost every half an hour over. Until the 10th 11:30, already close to relinquishing the Lady suddenly succeeded, interface to "paid" stage: "grab the whole day, it's too hard. ”

The next day was told order cancelled

However, the 11th, when she was still immersed in the joy of jaw, they received a message from little red book platform, "PayPal has processed the refund 2238......"

The Lady immediately some ignorant: "how I got my backpack? Has been refunded? Order be cancelled? ”

She immediately contacted customer service staff at the little red book APP "potato Captain", and asked for a refund because. When confronted with all women questioned, Captain of the French fries just gives the system an automatic reply, "received your message and will reply as soon as possible" and "is checked, please wait" ... ... Until 11th 10 o'clock that night, the woman has not given up asking, was never able to get the exact response.

"This is not me? So angry! "The next two days, she repeatedly in the official letter of the little red book, Tweets, did not ask the reason canceled.

Many users encounter similar

A few days later, the woman and girlfriends ridicule of her little red book "injuries" only when accidentally learned that girlfriends have also had similar experiences.

The end of July this year, all her girlfriends love buying a bottle in the little red book United Kingdom toiletries, waiting for nearly 5 days, a refund received is 58 Yuan short message.

"I guess should be the platform out of stock it, but it was out of stock, they should let me know, then cancel the order? "Love said that she often saw little red book selling this product, offers are slim.

Zhu said that little red book platform claimed to can buy good things around the world, also affectionately known as "small potatoes", but there are many "small potatoes" orders had been canceled for no reason got very sad.

Sichuan "small potatoes" classmate Chen in an interview with reporters also said that her order had been canceled suddenly, little red books under the given explanation is that suspected malicious, illegal use of potato chips coupons.

Questions on the illegal use of potato chips coupons, Chen Tongxue says, "I have extra coupons is not using it? ”

[Little red book response]

Order cancellations mostly malicious scalping or excess consumption

November 15, small red book Foreign Affairs Department staff Hu Xiao to morning news reporter explained to, due to platform often to user issued "potato coupons" (that offers coupons), if found a user with multiple account (with IP, and name, and phone,, and address), times received potato coupons Xia orders, will was considered malicious orders, "in user Xia single Hou, we of background identification system found its has brush single behavior, platform on will do canceled orders of processing. ”

In addition, Hu Xiao also said that under the current policy, cross-border consumption per user one time does not exceed 2000 Yuan, the total amount does not exceed 20,000 yuan a year, "the ladies purchase frequency is higher, most likely because the policy was cancelled order, which also needs further verification."

For many unsuspecting users, the order has been canceled for no reason is because the product is out of stock, a statement, Hu Xiao denied: "if we are out of stock will not last, not be oversold. ”

Hu Xiao, said cancellations for system identification of malicious scalping or due to excess cross-border consumer.

On November 14, and the Lady responded after several twists and finally get the little red book, "due to the large volume of active orders the same day leading systems parts orders are automatically cancelled. "At the same time, customer service," Captain of the French fries "also informed the Lady, if you need to purchase, you can contact platform, price remains the same.

But the woman felt, although you can purchase, but is still very angry, when she was bought by taking advantage of the double 11, say cancel to cancel the results, "now feel boring again."

女子双11猛刷抢到名牌包,次日被告知订单取消 - IT资讯




























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