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published in(发表于) 2016/11/21 7:55:35 Edit(编辑)
Chinese labour for 5 years reduced by 20 million, accounted for 4% of high skilled talents,

Chinese labour for 5 years reduced by 20 million, accounted for 4% of high skilled talents,(中国劳动力5年减少2000万,高技能人才仅占4%,)



Chinese labour for 5 years reduced by 20 million, accounted for 4% of high skilled talents-IT information

Influence of population structure changes on China's economy is gradually made explicit, quantity and quality of the working-age population in recent years "double" the transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure has been formed reversed trend.

Zeng xiangquan, China Institute for employment Director in the 19th "2016 annual meeting of the Chinese society of labor economics" is expected in 2016, the working-age population continues to decline, almost 5 years to reduce the number of about 20 million, labour supply reduction in labor costs rise, industries replace labor transfer and technology become the trend of the future.

Institute of population and labor economics, Chinese Academy of social sciences said Zhang Chewei, current college graduates to China's new "half", the quality of the workforce and has been a fundamental change in structure, labour markets can no longer provide traditional manufacturing industries also needed simple labor, high investment model of economic development cannot be sustained in the past.

The working-age population accelerated reductions

15~59sui, China's working-age population peaked at 925 million people in 2011, 2012 in 2011 compared with 3.45 million, this is the first decrease in the working-age population. 2012 began to decline, 2013 and 2.44 million in 2014, decrease of 3.71 million in 2015, reduction of 4.87 million.

Xiangquan forecast decline in 2016 at least 2015 years or decline will be even greater. "Even if calculated in accordance with 487wanlai, the 5 years total working-age population fell 19.34 million people, this is not a small sum. ”

The decline in the working-age population is in the process of China's economic development had to face reality. People Club spokesman Li said in 2015, the working-age population fell to 911 million, will continue to decline, and by 2030 will drop sharply, the average annual reduction rate of 7.6 million people. By 2050, one Department is predicting the working-age population of about 830 million to 700 million by 2030.

Zeng xiangquan believes that rapid rise in labour costs labour supply continued to decline in recent years, industry-wide average remuneration growth rate growth around 10%, 2011, for example, is 11.3%, 10.5% 2012, 2013 9.7%. Many foreign-funded enterprises in recent years out of China turned to South-East Asia, and is directly related to the rapid rise in labour costs in China.

The reduction in labour supply also led to increase in frequency and scale of human resource flows. Data show that turnover rate of labour-intensive enterprises in 2011 to 35.5%, 37.2% 2012, 2013 36.2%. Zeng xiangquan said even companies to reflect the employee's turnover reached 50%, and labor disputes have occurred frequently, these bring Enterprise human resource management challenges.

Labour and skills of "scissors"

Must be another factor in the transformation of the industrial structure of China labor force age structure and knowledge are no longer human resources required to support traditional manufacturing industries in the past.

From the more than 20 years of reform and opening up to the beginning of the century, workers in manufacturing lines for age restrictions are very strict, they "pinched tip" use of young workers with the highest labor productivity until the "peasant worker shortage" after appearing in a wide range, and was obliged to release the age limit.

The "shortage" is behind the 15~24sui youth labour declined substantially. Zeng xiangquan, 15~24sui youth labour is the apparent decline in working-age population groups, in 2006 this group has 120 million people, predicts that by 2020 will be down to 60 million. This corresponds to 55~65sui of the working-age population will rise, workforce aging.

Zhang Chewei first financial reporters, with the popularization of higher education in these years, knowledge of the Chinese labor force structure is changing, for a long time in the past, new jobs each year over half of the population is below junior secondary education level, they become cheap labour in manufacturing.

Skills gap is a major worry in economic transformation and upgrading in China

Now the situation is different than in the past, and the gross enrollment rate of higher education reached 44%, 2015 University graduates accounted for 50% of the new workforce, and junior high school education accounted for about 20%. "The quality of the workforce and a radical change in the structure, high input model of development cannot be sustained in the past. "Zhang Chewei said.

Zhang Chewei believes that changes in the Chinese economy is economic growth and physical capital growth weakens, and contact with human capital becomes stronger, it is also slowing GDP growth and employment was better than expected reasons.

"Encountered problem is that labour are better educated now, but college students ' qualities and skills upgrading of industrial structure evolution of requirements is not matched, bringing risks of structural unemployment, students ' practical skills and market demand has some gaps. "Zhang Chewei said.

Skills gap is a major worry in China's economic transformation and upgrading. According to current labour market only accounts for 4% of high skilled talents in China, ordinary skilled workers accounted for 20%, do not have the skills in 76%.

2014 Kelly service index report shows global employees, currently 92% number of Chinese enterprises ' core competitiveness by the workforce and capacity (quality) a shortage of, in which the labor quality is particularly outstanding.

Zeng xiangquan first financial reporter, said, we must attach importance to training and human capital investment, alleviate structural problems in the labour market. Financial training in recent years has invested a lot of money, but the effect is not obvious. Next step should be to strengthen the evaluation of training programs, improving the efficiency of training, spend the money wisely.

中国劳动力5年减少2000万,高技能人才仅占4% - IT资讯




















2014年《kelly service全球雇员指数报告》显示,目前92%的中国企业核心竞争力受到劳动力队伍数量和能力(质量)短缺的影响,其中,劳动力质量问题尤为突出。


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