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published in(发表于) 2016/11/20 6:31:15 Edit(编辑)
Shaanxi 200 students “practice“ pickup Express: work 10 hours 10 Yuan,

Shaanxi 200 students “practice“ pickup Express: work 10 hours 10 Yuan,(陕西两百学生“被实习”分拣快递:工作10小时拿10元,)



Shaanxi 200 students "practice" pickup Express: work 10-hour 10-IT information

The annual "double 11" buy buy buy is accompanied by an express explosion. Data from the national post published on 18th this year, according to "double 11" during the November 11 to 16th on 6 days, China post, express delivery companies win-LAN received the shipment of 1.12 billion. "Double 11" day, the postal service, express delivery companies handled express 251 million, set a daily handling capacity of China's record. At present, each posting rush continues.

A lot of packages, many courier companies manpower is very tense. Yun da Northwestern express sorting center not long ago to 240 traffic of Shaanxi vocational and Technical College sophomore, they express delivery sorter of internship, working 10 hours a day, and pay only 10 Yuan. The students learn is the professional road transport management, why has nothing to do with the professional internship?

In recent days, have several successive views traffic vocational and technical college students in Shaanxi Province, began on November 12, road transport management in their school's 240 college students were sorting center in Northwest schools to rhyme to express an internship.

Traffic higher vocational and technical college students in Shaanxi Province (not his real name): as it relates to training credits, if there is no training credits, no credits to graduate after, rebuilt next year, so you must come, all the boys and girls.

Internship and professional irrelevant, suspected of being used as cheap labor

Reporters at the sorting center Northwest of rhyme to express, express shipment of trucks came in and out, factory belt in time, is the time of peak express these days, students here and what are the main contents of the internship?

Traffic higher vocational and technical college students in Shaanxi Province (not his real name): just throwing packages, sorting, began working at 7:30 A.M. every day, closed at 12 o'clock noon meal, 1:20 P.M. continued to work at 6:30 at our work, working about 10 hours a day.

Students told reporters that they majored in road transport management, content is the pickup courier.

Reporter: can you learn?

Traffic higher vocational and technical college students in Shaanxi Province (not his real name): can't learn it, I majored in something unrelated.

Reporter: do you think in this practice useful?

Traffic higher vocational and technical college students in Shaanxi Province (not his real name): useful, let us know how I Express is bad.

Student schedule shows to journalists, the timetable is full of students, from November 12 to 24th in two weeks, but was planning to the courier company rush short-handed to practice, makes them puzzling.

Traffic higher vocational and technical college students in Shaanxi Province (not his real name): Express, short-handed, they wanted to recruit temporary workers on the outside, it can take a lot of money, estimated to be us as cheap labour.

Traffic vocational and technical college students in Shaanxi Province Xiao Wu (not his real name): I majored in logistics there is no relationship, only express I have learned in this sort of violence.

Student pickup courier, said school is teaching plans

Sophomore 240 road transport management, arranged in sorter for courier company, schools do this based on what kind of consideration? Official said of the school, which is part of the teaching programme.

Shaanxi striving to improve road transportation vocational and technical college campus official told reporters that the intern students to express delivery company, is part of their teaching programs. But in periods of peak Express, and time sensitive.

Reporter: for students, they should not have to learn it? So as the labour students in using it?

Shaanxi Institute of traffic technology and self-improvement Road campus principal: it's a contradiction, we wanted to find out what a large training base, but there were so many students are really hard to figure out.

Is not reported to the competent authorities, the school said negligence

April 2016 national vocational school students ' internship regulations enacted by expressly prohibiting, shall cause the student practice in legal holiday shall not arrange for students to work overtime and night shifts. In accordance with the relevant provisions, school student internships should be reported to the competent authorities.

Striving to improve road transportation vocational and technical college campus in Shaanxi Province head of training section: we give school Dean's Office reported.

Reporter: you report to your school, and has not reported to higher authorities.

Striving to improve road transportation vocational and technical college campus in Shaanxi Province head of training section: Yes, we also have oversight, is a mistake.

Salary pay 10 Yuan a day, yunda express violation

Students told reporters that the courier company to the temporary worker's hourly wage is 14, but these students during the internship is 10 Yuan a day. Reporters asking Yun da Northwestern Express Pickup Center about when management refused to answer.

Reporter: work 10 hours, only 10 dollars paid what was considered?

Yun da Northwestern Express Pickup center Yao Jianfeng, Minister of general management: all right, well, don't ask.

Expressly set forth in the provisions on vocational school students ' practice management, internship student internship paid trial period wage in the same position not less than 80% in principle. Express company in clear violation of the rules. For progress, CCTV will continue to focus on.

陕西两百学生“被实习”分拣快递:工作10小时拿10元 - IT资讯































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