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published in(发表于) 2016/11/18 15:43:07 Edit(编辑)
United Kingdom 14 year old girl died of cancer, and allowed to freeze the remains in the future, “rebirth“,

United Kingdom 14 year old girl died of cancer, and allowed to freeze the remains in the future, “rebirth“,(英国14岁女孩患癌去世,获准冷冻遗体在未来“重生”,)



United Kingdom 14 year old girl died of cancer, permitted to freeze remains in the future, "born again"-IT information

According to the daily mail newspaper reported on November 18, at age 14, United Kingdom girl suffering from a rare cancer dying won the historic ruling, after the death of her body can be frozen, if there's a method to cure cancer, she can "revive". She also became United Kingdom first allowed young people remains frozen.

Last August, the girls were found to contain cancer. After a series of treatments, she was unable to escape from the clutches of death, tragic death of October this year. Before his death, girl watching frozen bodies of information.

"I think I need to explain why I want to do unusual things. I was only 14 years old, and I know I won't live much longer, but I don't want to die like this. I feel myself freezing up, so even the past hundreds of years, and I still have a chance to be cured and wake up. I do not want to be buried in the ground. I want to live, I hope that in the future can find a way to cure cancer, I can wake up. I would like to have the opportunity, that's what I want. "It's a girl living wrote to United Kingdom High Court's interpretation of a letter.

? Judge Jackson

Judge responsible for the case of Peter Jackson went to the hospital to see her, "she showed courage in front of disease I was very moved. "Thus, the Court's decision, allowed the girl's mother after the death of his daughter to dispose of their remains. At present, the girl's body had been brought to the United States are frozen.

When judge Jackson, in an interview, said his decision was to encourage more, sick children like this girl fought a brave fight, do not give up easily. "Before this, in England, Wales or elsewhere have not yet been submitted to the same application, this case is for the development of science and technology to bring about new problems of typical cases, and recommended that the Department consider the development of cryonics related laws and regulations. ”

It is reported that the technology of cryonics is an experiment in medical science and technology, human or animal at very low temperatures (Celsius units) under refrigeration and dream about the future through advances in medical science and technology, they are thawed resurrection and healing. The cost of this technology is not a small sum, take about 37,000 pounds (about 320,000 yuan).

英国14岁女孩患癌去世,获准冷冻遗体在未来“重生” - IT资讯








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