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published in(发表于) 2016/11/18 15:43:06 Edit(编辑)
To address the health problems of developing countries, gates with a company developing “defecation perfume“

To address the health problems of developing countries, gates with a company developing “defecation perfume“(为解决发展中国家卫生问题,盖茨携一公司研发“大便香水”,)



To address the health problems of developing countries, gates with a company developing "defecation perfume"-IT information

Bill Gates, in his blog on the Gates Notes, refers to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is working with a Switzerland flavor raw material research and production company Firmenich expand cooperation on global health issues.

In many developing countries, squat toilets often give off an unbearable smell, people chosen to avoid these scents open-air outdoor potty, it also creates conditions for the spread of the disease.

Firmenich company Chairman Patrick Firmenich said that due to the poor sanitary conditions on the ground, caused the deaths of some 800,000 children every year. Although there appeared on the market smell toilet spray such as Poo-Pourri, but still needs a scientific solution to solve the problem of latrine smell.

In order to test the solution, Firmenich has created a "stool perfume" to mimic the smell of squat toilets. Bill Gates has also bravely stepped forward to take a SWIG and describes the smell "quite pungent, like sewage, the combination of sweat and vomit".

Envisaged that the Firmenich company does not intend to use smell to mask the smell of the perfume, but with active noise cancelling headphones reduce noise to the delusion of the human brain in the same way. Firmenich developed flavors and ingredients will inhibit the smell of body odor-sensitive receptors, so that the brain cannot perceive odors.

"Stool perfume" after processing of the flavor, smell smells become more. Gates said he smelled the flowers of a pleasing aroma.

The company is currently India and Africa pilot project. Gates said he was "smelling" the potential of the project, which is a "smell of success".

为解决发展中国家卫生问题,盖茨携一公司研发“大便香水” - IT资讯

比尔盖茨近日在其博客Gates Notes上,提到了比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会正在与一家瑞士从事香精原料研究和生产的公司Firmenich展开关于全球卫生问题方面的合作。


Firmenich公司董事长Patrick Firmenich表示,由于当地卫生条件差,每年都会造成约80万儿童的死亡。虽然市面上出现有一些诸如Poo-Pourri一类的洁厕气味喷雾,但仍需要一种科学的解决办法来解决厕所臭味这一问题。





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