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published in(发表于) 2016/11/12 12:09:02 Edit(编辑)
Shaanxi Province uncovered large multinational telecommunications fraud, involving more than 35 million Yuan,

Shaanxi Province uncovered large multinational telecommunications fraud, involving more than 35 million Yuan,(陕西破获特大跨国电信诈骗案,涉案金额3500余万元,)



Shaanxi Province uncovered large multinational telecommunications fraud, involving more than 35 million Yuan-IT information

Ankang city, Shaanxi Province Public Security Bureau was informed that the Ankang City Public Security Bureau has successfully cracked a large series of transnational telecoms fraud . As of now, caught the gang members involved 36 , seized bank cards more than more than 320 involved amounting to more than 35 million Yuan .

In December 2015, Ankang city, Shaanxi Province, occurred over more than 20 cases of impersonating police commit Telecom fraud, involving more than 2 million Yuan. After the incident, Ankang City Public Security Bureau carried out the investigation work expeditiously, has gone to Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xian, Anhui, Yunnan and other places investigation successfully dug out to criminal suspect Chen led by more than 200 people in connection with large multinational Telecom fraud gang.

The identification of the criminal gangs entrenched for a long time in Indonesia, and according to the company, group of gang members is strictly controlled. For the implementation of fraud, the group human tissue in multiple cities on the one hand a lot of management, acquisition cards, Internet banking, mobile cassette to Indonesia. The other hand, buy residents ' personal information through illicit channels, providing victim information to fraud.

The gang also used illegal networks, provide technical support for fraudulent activities. The gang by "modification software" pretending to be a public security staff to public awareness make fraud calls, lied about the victims suspected of money laundering, and making false "wanted", "asset freeze order" instruments such as the intimidation of the victim. After a successful fraud through online bank transfers the funds quickly broken into multiple sub accounts, final in Indonesia, Taiwan and other places now.

So far, police have arrested 36 gang members involved, seized bank cards more than more than 320, phone cards, online bank USB, account vouchers more than 210 sets, recovery of the proceeds of more than 200,000 yuan. At present, the case is still under further investigation.

陕西破获特大跨国电信诈骗案,涉案金额3500余万元 - IT资讯






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