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published in(发表于) 2016/11/11 10:04:40 Edit(编辑)
Unmanned aerial vehicles have to use traditional propeller? Drum-type rotor-wing might be better! ,

Unmanned aerial vehicles have to use traditional propeller? Drum-type rotor-wing might be better! ,(无人机必须用传统螺旋桨?滚筒式桨翼可能会更好!,)



Unmanned aerial vehicles have to use traditional propeller? Drum-type rotor-wing might be better! -IT information

For the time being, for the shape of aircraft we have already have a notion of curing, but use single-or multiple-axle paddle-wing to generate power, such as helicopters , and rotor UAV , and so on. As for "wheel-propelled" flying machine, say it may be more familiar.

"Wheel advance type" aircraft (cyclocopter) using of paddle wing somewhat special, academic Shang called "Cycloid paddle", is put paddle wing made a "drum type" of combination rotating to produced thrust and lift , many people at first glance a see may think this stuff special novelty, but this concept in about a a century yiqian on was proposed has, until later helicopter, and more axis aircraft of appeared, only gradually of was people by forgotten.

At present only a small part of the research team in research rolled wing aircraft, United States Texas flying laboratory Moble Benedict Professor and his team is one of them, recently they successfully rolled out a small wing, whole body weighs only 29 grams. It may be instead of helicopters, and multiaxial vehicles is a progress . Few words say, look at things.

Pictured above is the entire state of the flight, if you still do not quite understand how roll the wings are drones fly, look at the pictures you can see.

Eight oars wings focused on a drum-type structure, drums biography when each wing will be changed accordingly, drum fast scrolling through the upper and lower wing surfaces of poor air flow, thus at the bottom have a powerful reasoning, UAV took off. Meanwhile, drum toward the rear of the air at run time to produce forward thrust.

Moble Benedict engaged in rolling vehicle research for many years, he said, in theory, go wing kinetic energy is more efficient, less power consumption, as well as quieter, less space, more stable, at almost the same speed with the helicopter.

Moble Benedict said, they have proved that special structure rolling wing aircraft, its aerodynamic efficiency than conventional helicopters and more mobile, their ability to control the direction and speed are better than many traditional helicopter.

Speaking of which, I am sure you have a question, since the benefits so many things, unmanned aerial vehicles, vehicle development for so long, why no weapons this way?

Moble Benedict replied that people had tried to explore the rolling wing aircraft baishilai years, but in the early 20th century, great success and wide application of the helicopter, let people go on roller-type wing unmanned aerial vehicle research interest. In addition, the roll-wing drone earlier there is a fatal problem, is its wing structure is more complex, at run time, a lack of suitable flight control stability, now the technology has matured, it is no longer a problem in this respect. They developed the gyroscope, accelerator, and processors, and so on, and, for a long time its internal software debugging, now already on the market and the stability of unmanned aerial vehicles similar to the.

And roll before wing at run time, blades withstand more aerodynamic than a larger and earlier do not have the right kind of material might be adapted to the load-bearing, but as technology develops, the appearance of material, this problem will be solved. They were used in the trial of an innovative carbon fiber composite to produce blades, each film only 0.12 grams.

Future research directions

Moble Benedict says that in the future, will roll around the wing for more sophisticated research, allowing the drone a better, more useful.

First of all, they will study the materials, designed lighter and stronger blades, increasing load capacity under its rotating at high speed.

Secondly, roller-type wing structure of the aircraft needed to be streamlined, making it easier, or at least not as complex as the current.

Also, blade shape about drone hovering, high-speed flight status and efficiency, it still remains to be improved.

Benedict said, they have proved that this roll wing future potential, they are one of the next targets in roll on large aircraft-wing experiment, also extends to manned aircraft in the future. Now they've got United States military funding support.

Actually, to Cycloid pulp for lift of aircraft near two years also has appeared, in 2014 fifth session no machine Assembly exhibition Shang , a frame name for wind steamer of roll wing machine on is eye-catching, the machine also used has two a Cycloid pulp for lift source , while as Deputy wing control , used a propeller for pitching control and yaw control. However, the plane was only a concept, which for two years has no message.

In aircraft (especially consumer-level drone) form has been cured of the moment, many practitioners of the UAV study a lot is " old wine in a new bottle ", and not to think too much on the form, including many flying car concept was also used more than ordinary rotor UAV design, it's not boring. Benedict said roll-wing aircraft when the technology is mature, with flying cars will be more suitable than conventional aircraft, future prospects are very broad.

无人机必须用传统螺旋桨?滚筒式桨翼可能会更好! - IT资讯



目前只有很少一部分的科研团队在做滚翼飞行器的研究,美国德克萨斯A&M飞行实验室的Moble Benedict教授以及他的团队就是其中之一,最近,他们成功研究出了一个小型的滚翼飞行器,整身重量只有29克。这可能是取代直升机、多轴飞行器的又一个进步。话不多说,先看东西。



Moble Benedict从事滚翼飞行器研究多年,他表示,在理论上来讲,滚翼方式动能效率更高,功耗更小,同时会更安静,更节省空间,更稳定,在速度上跟直升机也相差无几。

Moble Benedict介绍说,目前他们已经证明了,由于滚翼飞行器的结构的特殊性,其空气动力的转换效率要远高于传统的直升机,而且机动性更强,其控制方向和速度的能力要优于传统直升机很多。


Moble Benedict的回答是,人们曾经试图探索滚翼式飞行器百十来年了,不过在20世纪初,直升机的巨大成功和广泛应用,让人们是去了对滚翼式无人机研究的兴趣。另外,滚翼式无人机在早前有一个致命的问题,就是其桨翼结构比较复杂,在运行时缺乏适合的飞控稳定,如今科技已经成熟,这方面不再是问题。他们自己研发了相应的陀螺仪、加速器和处理器等等,并且对其内在软件进行了长时间的调试,现在稳定性已经与市面上的无人机相差无几了。



Moble Benedict教授表示,在未来,会围绕着滚翼飞行器进行更精进的研究,从而让这种无人机更完善,更实用。







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