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published in(发表于) 2016/11/11 10:04:33 Edit(编辑)
More than more than 50,000 yuan per person! Tencent 18 years Ma sent 300 shares of all staff,

More than more than 50,000 yuan per person! Tencent 18 years Ma sent 300 shares of all staff,(每人5万多元!腾讯18周年马化腾送全体员工300股,)



More than more than 50,000 yuan per person! All employees of Tencent 18 anniversary of Ma to send 300-IT information

IT information news on November 11, if your circle of friends small partners with Tencent, believe today will be crowding the screen by Tencent 18 anniversary bonuses, some lucky employees of Tencent 18888 big red, the 588 Yuan less. Tencent's 18 years of caring for employees much more than this, according to company officials, Tencent micro staff prepared a special "Thanksgiving gift package": employee awarded $300 per person will be shares of company stock, as a special commemorative 18 anniversary of the founding of the company. Grant is expected to present a stock worth about 1.7 billion Hong Kong dollars (about 1.5 billion yuan). Tencent employees, calculated according to the current share price, RMB 300 shares equal to about 53,000.

Acquired 300 shares of Tencent employees for the RSU (restricted stock), November 10, 2016, receiving market prices, a total value of about HK $62460, about 53000 Yuan. The stock grant plan will be implemented on November 18, 2016, ban and divided into three groups, the first batch of 100 units will be granted on November 18, the day ban, also said employees could cash in 100 shares on the day, the next batch will be on November 18, 2017, and the third ban will be held on November 18, 2018, a total of two years.

Following is Tencent's internal reports:

In addition, in order to add more festive, Tencent and thank each and every person and business partner's dedication to the company, Tencent employees, former employees, outsourcing personnel and service personnel total about 30 million yuan of cash bonus, a single bonus amounts ranging between 188-1888.

Since the company was formed on November 11, 1998, and has developed into one of China's biggest Internet companies. As of now, its micro and QQ number had reached 806 million monthly active users and 899 million domestic users to use the widest range of applications.

每人5万多元!腾讯18周年马化腾送全体员工300股 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 11月11日消息,如果你的朋友圈有在腾讯工作的小伙伴,相信今天一定被腾讯18周年内部派红包刷屏了,据说有的幸运的腾讯员工拿到了18888元的大红包,少的则为588元等。腾讯18周年对员工的关怀远不止这些,根据腾讯官方消息,腾讯微员工准备了了一份特殊的“感恩礼包”:将向员工授予每人300股腾讯股票,作为公司成立18周年的特别纪念。预计本次授予股票总价值约达17亿港元(约15亿人民币)。腾讯员工透露,按照当前股价计算,300股约等于5.3万元人民币。





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