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published in(发表于) 2016/11/9 16:28:58 Edit(编辑)
Drug traffickers use drones drug smuggling: the United States deployment of radar monitoring of airship,

Drug traffickers use drones drug smuggling: the United States deployment of radar monitoring of airship,(毒贩使用无人机走私毒品:美国部署雷达飞艇监控,)



Drug traffickers use drones drug smuggling: the United States deployment of radar monitoring of airship-IT information

In the United States, Arizona, United States and Mexico on the border, the fight against drug trafficking has been carried out. In recent days, drug traffickers began to combine technology, using unmanned aerial vehicles smuggling drugs.

Not only because the Arizona and Mexico borders a long, but also because a large part of the desert area, no human activity was drilled loopholes by drug trafficking, which made United States border headache.

Source: JammedUp News

In order to monitor and crack down on smuggling and trafficking, United States border patrol on the border placed the 6 giant airships equipped with low altitude radar to detect extremely low altitude of the aircraft. In helium-filled airship, to rise to 15,000 feet (about 4572 meters), with cables attached to maintain stability.

Due to the use of conventional radar can't detect low flying aircraft, border airship using a special "fixed air traffic radar system" (The Tethered Aerostat Radar System,TARS).

Source: CBS News

Not just drones, as long as any low flying aircraft will not escape the TARS from prying. Search radar images to be delivered to a California military base, there is someone monitoring in the event, the border patrol arrived within three minutes.

Combined with this new tool, you can greatly reduce United States overseas drug sources, preventing them from falling into the wrong hands.

毒贩使用无人机走私毒品:美国部署雷达飞艇监控 - IT资讯



图片来源:JammedUp News

为了监控并打击走私贩毒,美国边境巡逻部门在边境线上安置了 6个配备低空雷达的巨型飞艇,以探测飞行高度极低的飞行器。飞艇中充有氦气,可以升到1.5万英尺(约合4572米)高空,并用缆绳系住维持稳定。

由于使用普通雷达很难探测到低空飞行的飞行器,边境部门飞艇就使用特殊的“固定航空雷达系统”(The Tethered Aerostat Radar System,TARS)。

图片来源:CBS News



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