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published in(发表于) 2016/11/8 13:16:46 Edit(编辑)
Guangxi 3 men in manufacturing and sales of more than 20 tons of salt were sentenced

Guangxi 3 men in manufacturing and sales of more than 20 tons of salt were sentenced(广西3名男子生产销售20余吨假盐被判刑)



Guangxi 3 men in manufacturing and sales of more than 20 tons of salt in Guangxi sentenced | |-salt _ news
For seizures of fake "Mount Laurel" seaweed-iodine salt. Lin Xin photo

CNS, Liuzhou, November 8 (reporter)-liubei district people's Court of liuzhou city, Guangxi 8th with production and sales cases does not meet the food safety standards to make the judgment of first instance. Trio, salt production and sales of fake amounts to more than 20 tons, were sentenced to one to two years in prison and a fine of 20,000 yuan to 50,000 yuan.

Prosecutors charged July 11, 2015 and September 17, tanmouxiu has 19 from the defendant Zhang Lin (other) purchased, wrapped fake "Mount Laurel" seaweed-iodine salt amounted to 914, total weight 19.651 tons. And "Mount Laurel" seaweed-iodine salt sales to liuzhou City area and the surrounding counties of shops, food wholesale, etc. On September 17 of that year, tanmouxiu were sold in a block of salt to locations of laibin city salt authority seized.

Thereafter of October 2015 to November 13th during, accused tanmouxiu, and tanmouliang, and Qin a waves three people common funded, from Zhang a forest at purchased into feed additives sodium chloride as raw materials, purchased into printing good of fake "Mount Laurel" brand seaweed iodine refined salt packaging bags, and sealing machine and the seal Charter, tools Hou, three accused to, liujiang labaozhen a homes as production locations, will feed additives sodium chloride production, and packaging into fake "Mount Laurel" brand seaweed iodine refined salt about 280 package, total weight about 6 tons. And production of fake "Mount Laurel" brand of seaweed, liuzhou city, sale of iodized salt to some stock, wholesale and retail shops, stalls and Nanning city and other places.

By the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, salt product quality supervision and inspection station inspection, production and sales by the three defendants in the above fake "Mount Laurel" seaweed-iodine salt in iodine and iron of the Green salt potassium ferrocyanide is not satisfied (NY/T1040) requirements refined salt salt and national food safety standards, are unqualified green salt.

Court trial Hou think, accused tanmouxiu knows its purchased into and for sales of salt not meet food security standard and for sales, accused tanmouxiu, and tanmouliang, and Qin a waves knows by purchased into of raw materials is feed additives sodium chloride, and partnership purchase and production processing into not meet food security standard of salt for sales, are enough to caused iodine lack caused serious food source sex disease, its behavior are constitute production, and sales not meet security standard of food crime.

Accordingly, the Court sentenced tanmouxiu two years in prison and fined 50,000 yuan. Tanmouliang and tanmoulang were sentenced to one year and fined 20,000 yuan, the three defendants were not appealed. (End)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Guangxi salt

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China News Network
图为查获的假“桂山”牌海藻碘盐。 林馨 摄

  中新网柳州11月8日电 (兰钰烨)广西柳州市柳北区人民法院8日对一起生产、销售不符合安全标准的食品案件做出一审判决。三名男子生产销售假盐共计20余吨,分别被判处一年至两年不等的有期徒刑,并处人民币2万元至5万元不等的罚金。






责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

广西 假盐


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