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published in(发表于) 2016/11/7 22:30:44 Edit(编辑)
Wife faithful to test her husband, plus beautiful app, the couple were tricked into 1.4 million Yuan,

Wife faithful to test her husband, plus beautiful app, the couple were tricked into 1.4 million Yuan,(妻子为了试探丈夫忠心,加美女微信,夫妻俩被骗140万元,)



Wife faithful to test her husband, plus beautiful app, the couple was 1.4 million Yuan by cheating-IT information

The middle-aged, how to make the relationship fresh? this Liang Lin's distress. Do not pay attention to dress her often joke, "husband to infidelity", which also became her heart. In order to prove the bounty of her husband's loyalty, she with her husband's weak signal added a beauty. But, the move got the couple into scam, was cheated of more than 1.4 million Yuan.

Yesterday, the Chongqing morning news reporters from yuzhong District Public Prosecutor's Office was informed that the swindling 7 has been the prosecution of suspect arrested.

The wife trap

Middle-aged people to her husband via mobile phones, micro-search people around, adds an "beauty" to test her husband.

On March 11 this year, yuzhong district who lives in a community of Cai Zheng found himself micro-letters added by a new user. This user's nickname is "sweetest smile", avatar was a real beauty. Cai Zheng looked at each other's circle of friends and found that there are a lot of pictures, it is a beautiful young woman.

Cai Zheng had not thought that the netizens are wife Liang Lin "set". Liang Lin fears its own people into middle age, can no longer hold much gold her husband's heart, on March 10, secretly using Cai Zheng mobile phone, people near the search through the app, add one "Belle", in order to test her husband.

The next day, Cai Zheng discovered, would hold talk attitude, initiative and each other up and say hello. "Sweetest smile" is also very talkative, "she" told Cai Zheng He named Cheng Lili, Hangzhou, software in Shanghai, a company now in Chongqing on a business trip. A few days time, chatting for two ambiguous, Cai Zheng feels just a joke, for the sake of each other's hearts, personalized signatures was also changed to "high mountain and flowing water Salon". "Cheng Lili" saw the truth is moved.

Probe into the Cai Zheng from time to time, draw the attention of Liang Lin. The end of March, Liang Lin while her husband is away, stole his cell phone chats. Found her husband not only "an ambush" and talked happily with a beautiful woman, suddenly angry, husband and a big fight, but Cai Zheng continued to go its own way.

User trap

"Beauty" friends on the "one-way bet" hacker techniques, by modifying the offshore betting sites odds to make a profit. They tried, really "earn".

After a big fight with Liang Lin, Cai Zheng "Cheng Lili," complained, and she lives in Shanghai. "Cheng Lili" respect life in Shanghai under a lot of pressure, but she was trying to buy a House.

"Just by my own salary, life certainly cannot afford to buy. "" Cheng Lili, "says he has" access "friends can use to hack modified gambling odds offshore gambling site, guaranteed to make you lose, return of up to 10%.

Cai Zheng never participated in gambling, "Cheng Lili" is skeptical. Cai Zheng hesitated, "Cheng Lili" with all due respect this is only not lose the hack, and some money-pay gambling are two different things, "I came not to believe, vote results earned 200 Yuan. ”

When it comes to money, Cai Zheng started cautiously, he decided to talk it over with his wife. Her husband's "talk" was let go by Liang Lin, felt that this was a good opportunity to make money, encouraged her husband to cast 200 Yuan to give it a try. "Cheng Lili" provided on the gambling Web site, Cai Zheng registered accounts, betting a lottery at the appointed time, after the lottery, and earned 20 Yuan.

Website snares

Two people who have bet 26 times, 1.39 million Yuan, "even with interest more than 3.7 million Yuan", or transfer between micro-17500 to "thanks to hackers".

Cai Zheng and Liang Lin begin to trust each other, "Cheng Lili" that opportunity is not always there, until the site when there is a vulnerability, can be used. In mid-April, the couple "Cheng Lili" tip of spent 80,000 yuan, lottery, the "make" 8000 Yuan. After the application for withdrawal, 88,000 smoothly back to the bank card.

Betting-Cai Zheng couple completely given up all concerns. Since then, two people have been betting on 26 times, "Cheng Lili" provides accounts of 1.39 million Yuan, according to Cheng Lili reminders, transfer between micro-17500 "to acknowledge the help of hackers", and "Cheng Lili" requirement, delete all chat history.

However, the "money to make money" dream has done for too long. April 29, "Cheng Lili" told Cai Zheng, as Web site maintenance upgrade on May 1, must quickly withdraw, his account "even with interest" of more than 3.7 million Yuan will be frozen. However, the withdrawals need to pay 10% security deposit, or 370,000 yuan.

"Margin before withdrawals are said to pay?" Cai Zheng felt strange, "Cheng Lili" to verify, but not contact anymore, the gambling site has disappeared. Realize that after the fall, Cai Zheng immediately to the police.

Liars trap

Suspect download beauty portrait, using a false identity, and navigate through the virtual software, position the city yuzhong, Beibei, South Bank and other places.

After receiving the alarm, May 5, yuzhong District Public Security Bureau investigation and lock in Ganzhou city, Jiangxi province, 7 suspects. On September 11, yuzhong police rushed to Ganzhou, Huang bin, Zhao Moucheng, yellow plum, Tang Mouyue, Zhou Mouting, Chen yan, Zhao Mouyu 7 were captured. "Cheng Lili" is Zhou Ting.

Hosting the Prosecutor introduced, Huang bin, who has been in Shantou, lies between the registered domain name to build fake gambling sites, purchase of bank cards, identity cards, mobile phones, laptops, training for gang members. Zhao Moucheng was responsible for gang members provide professional guidance, login, fraudulent gambling websites back to modify odds betting money, change, withdrawal of victims. Download beauty avatar the other gang members, using a false identity, through a virtual software, micro-city locate the Chongqing yuzhong, Beibei, South Bank and other places, to make friends, fall in love with each other in the name, such as chat, the other trust, then to have a friend to black's own gambling Web site modified odds as bait to entice victims bets.

"Women are more likely than men to be able to caught the attention of men and pretty women even more so. "The suspects Huang Moubin says they do head with beautiful pictures on the Internet, attracting a lot of men, and then through the" technique "manual chat with each other," word "means in the face of customer, diddle each other's trust, let the other person talk to invest large amounts of money.

At present, Huang bin, who has been in yuzhong District Public Prosecutor's Office arrest.

Prosecutors reminded

Yuzhong District Public Prosecutor: the app is a social circle of acquaintances, "liar" only has become another friend, is it possible to send information. When people add the buddy should do more to verify, confirm. Do not trust strangers easily, don't believe that pie in the sky. The public should be vigilant and not to economic exchanges and a stranger on the Internet.

妻子为了试探丈夫忠心,加美女微信,夫妻俩被骗140万元 - IT资讯





























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