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published in(发表于) 2016/11/7 22:28:04 Edit(编辑)
Shanghai Highway car crash 9 dead, 43 injured, driver: unable to brake

Shanghai Highway car crash 9 dead, 43 injured, driver: unable to brake(上海高速路上多车追尾致9死43伤,司机:没法刹车)



Shanghai Highway car crash 9 dead, 43 injured drivers: can't brake | | | high speed vehicles _ the accident news

A Cub reporter Zhang Yiwei intern Shen Siting

The scene of the accident a large front of vehicles severely damaged/IC
In the thick fog, the taxi collided with a large vehicle.

Yesterday 5:54 A.M., Pudong District Public Security Bureau received a report 110 said: S32 West to East near the junction of S2 on-ramp, car rear-end accidents occurred due to thick fog. Following a preliminary investigation, S32 to Pudong airport where the accident occurred about 17 miles on one of the small passenger car 4 people to get off when you look ahead, was knocked down by a runaway tank behind, 2 people died on the spot.

Rescue in the disposal process, when civilian police in the investigation, found above the rear about 3 kilometers, a construction vehicle was two large vehicles before and after impact extrusion, 5 people in the car died. At present, 45 out of the accident rushed to the hospital for medical treatment, 2 people died and the rest are trying to cure. The cause of the accident was still further investigation.

Many participants said, when fog weather in Pudong area, resulting in poor visibility.

 [Witness memories]

The slippery ground, and visibility fluctuated

Yesterday morning, taxi drivers, Master Chen was carrying passengers nanxiaowang in Gansu province for travelers to Shanghai Pudong airport to car drive zhuanqiao, fog was thick, and opened more than 20 years of Master Chen felt poor visibility, follow the car slowed down. When the dealership to Lu interchange near the shenjiahu Expressway near-Shanghai, Master Chen can only see 20 metres ahead.

Then, he suddenly saw the 20 meters in front of two large truck parked on the road and drive private cars in front of him, was steady to a dash. Master Chen quickly brake, hit the side of the steering wheel, from the front of the car, but crashed into another car on a parked truck in the driving direction. Taxi was hit in the front flat, small forward Wang Meng also sat in the front row of passengers rushed out, hit his head on the windshield, bleeding.

"I was what all responses, however, hit all at once. "Passenger xiaowang said, while wearing a seatbelt, but her forehead was bruised, his chest and back were injured.

Master Chen also feel chest pain, the brakes on his chest hitting the steering wheel. With experience, he quickly pulls Xiao Wang left the taxi. At this time, he discovered that two large goods vehicles in front and more than 10 vehicles accidents vehicles, roadside stands and injured many drivers, they are over and the cars shouting: "stop! Parking...... "

"Impossible to brake. "Master of fear, Chen said, because of the fog, the ground seems to condense a layer of water vapor, wet slippery.

Master Chen is not the only witness that would not stop the car. Sitting on a 6-seat small bus on the slippery pavement was also emphasized: "we were between 70 km/h to 80 km/h speed, then saw about 200 meters in front of the vehicle on the swift, the driver began to brake, but not stop, direct hits on a BMW car. 6 a car person, other than drivers, 5 other people are injured. ”

According to several people who recall, although where the accident occurred near, but they can see different concentration of fog, visibility is different.

"Previously encountered this kind of weather, I'm not high, but today the fog didn't start there, but after zhuanqiao. "Master Chen said.

 Man to remind others to be hurt amputation

After the accident, Master Chen and Xiao Wang was joined by the roadside waiting for rescue force. In order to keep them from an accident, some drivers began spontaneously stood by the roadside to oncoming vehicles shouted, trying to keep it moving.

"There was a guy who had been shouting, trying to prevent other vehicles continue to operate, but accidentally hit by a cart, legs crushed. "Master Chen said.

In Pudong hospital orthopedic Ward, reporters seeing Master Chen's "boy," Zhang Kaijun, in fact he is 45 years old, because of injuries, his right leg and ankle and had to be amputated.

According to Zhang Kaijun memories, after he drove a minivan collided, their is no big deal, get off the viewing situation, he took out the warning signs go behind the car, reminding the rear car. However, just as he was to the rear when the vehicle hazard warning, struck by a rear car, leading to fracture of his right foot.

According to Zhang Kaijun Zhang Kaipeng, brother of introduction, "brother from XI ' an, Shanghai has more than 10 years, was the pillar of the family, as far away as the home's sister-in-law is still on the way to Shanghai. He has opened more than 10 years and more, so he just wants to help others. "Zhang Kaipeng said, but accidents happen.


Meet the mist features, unpredictable

6:06 yesterday, the Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory issued a fog Orange warning signal: Baoshan, Pudong and Fengxian, Jinshan's fog will occur in coastal areas, local visibility less than 200 metres.

According to several witness recollection of the accident, they saw vapour concentration near the scene of the accident varied, visibility is different, one has many years experience in road traffic management experts said, does not exclude drivers encountered a "MIST" possibilities.

So-called mist was under the influence of local micro-climate and environment, dozens of meters to hundreds of meters in the fog of local scope, fog appears more "concentrated", lower visibility and fog. Fog forecasting difficult characteristics, culture, likely to cause major traffic accidents.

"Winter morning fog normally occurs 6 to 8 points, appears in the peri-urban areas, Riverside or Riverside area prone to fog. Where the accident happened in the suburbs, occurred at about 6 in the morning, the collision took place just five stoves near rivers in Hong Kong, it is consistent with characteristics of fog. "He said, characteristics of mist had two, one is suddenly thickens, and the other is unpredictable.

After the accident, driving in foggy weather safety, became a topic of common concern. The expert said, near the exit, has always been a high speed accident, travel should be avoided as the fog, if a dense fog forced driving "must open close light + front and rear fog lamps".

In his view, open the front and rear fog lamps, is a key to ensuring safe driving fog weather: "fog light penetration is very strong, can be identified in thick fog, convenient reminders before and after the vehicle. Some vehicles without rear fog lamps, front fog lights and low beam lights should be turned. ”

 Fog days driving instructions

A, lights: front and rear fog lights and low beam lights, ban far light more and more fog!

B, view: open the wiper and defogger, clear sight!

C, hearing: open the Windows, turn off the radio, honking at the right time!

D, and strictly control the speed and distance between vehicles: speedometer, more attention to the rear, brake-end collision!

E, high-speed burst: alarm, double jump, parking shoulders, people outside the fence, eyes staring back, triangle brand visibility, make sure the security settings.


The elevated "run wild" being reported

Traffic level 7-350 Yuan

Morning news reporter Wu Linhua reported the night of November 4, a number plate for "Shanghai EH6628" cars on the elevated road several times in succession, and forced to stop after cars, dangerous ... ... After the scene was filmed by car driving recorder, submitted to the "traffic report video platforms", and to submit its report. Yesterday, reporters from the Shanghai traffic Police Department was informed that investigations confirmed that illegal in the video driver's illegal lane change, illegal arrest and does not require the use of lights and other combined 7 points and fined 350 Yuan.

A few days ago, entitled "road rage driver many times don't" video circulated on the Internet. According to the video display: a Shanghai car on a high shelf said goodbye many times. This car was first forced to change course, and then abruptly stopped, vehicles had to stop along behind.

Shortly thereafter, the car from the right side of the road suddenly turned to the middle lane, body not entire sailed into the middle lane, he went to the far right lane. Subsequently, the car lasted only half a minute line. At this point, the car owner ready to change lanes to the left, front has also followed the same road, owing to the slow vehicle speeds, almost caused two cars collide. Zhihou in front and pressed between two lanes dotted by nearly half a minute until the entire body to get in the middle lane to complete. Reporters noted, in the car while driving, not only two successive road, dotted line for a long time, change lanes when no turn signals.

Shanghai police sector yesterday said, this car plate for "Shanghai EH6628" of small car Yu November 4 in Shanghai Min Gao frame West near tianlin road Xia ramp near driving Shi, has change lane Shi effect normal driving of motor vehicle, and driving operating bus yiwai of motor vehicle in city fast road line lane Shang parking, and not by provides using steering lamp of violations, was public lane records instrument records Hou reported.

Verified by the Police Department, driving a Tan as a result "change lanes when driving a motor vehicle," driving a motor vehicle other than passenger car in the driveway of urban Expressway Park "," don't use turn signals, "and a fine of 350, 7 points. Also, because of their cumulative scoring 12 points in a cycle, motor vehicle driver's license was temporarily suspended.

Traffic Police Department said that since May 4, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau launched the "traffic report video platforms", the further smooth masses of the people traffic channels. According to statistics, by the end of October, platform to reach more than 9,000 more than the public mass participation, Web page visits totaled 20yuwanci, provides report video clue more than 30,000 articles.

It is reported that in various reported offences, "illegal lane changing" become a major traffic violations reported, accounted for 50%.

Responsible editor: Li Peng

Article keywords:
Accidents of vehicle with high speed

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Shanghai morning post
上海高速路上多车追尾致9死43伤 司机:没法刹车|事故|车辆|高速_新闻资讯

  见习记者 张益维 实习生 沈思廷














































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