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published in(发表于) 2016/11/6 9:48:59 Edit(编辑)
Foreign Media headline: make up United States election, rumors cheat traffic earn advertising costs,

Foreign Media headline: make up United States election, rumors cheat traffic earn advertising costs,(国外自媒体标题党:编造美国大选谣言骗流量挣广告费,)



Foreign Media headline: make up United States election, rumors cheat traffic earn advertising fees-IT information

2016 United States presidential election is like a mirror, reflects today's United States social rupture situation. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump campaign argument that supporters of both parties clashed, the news media and hackers keep finding each other black spots. Both sides firmly believe that each other is the worst candidate ever.

Almost every day, there are new Clinton and Donald Trump's negative news appeared, becomes the focus media coverage as well as social networking sites, and discuss hot spots. But so far in this election of the most hostile atmosphere, all kinds of gossip and rumors are finding fertile ground for.

"Breaking news: FBI has determined that Hillary Clinton is convicted", see the news headlines, see the website, and maybe many people will mistakenly think that really, think Hillary really because the message scandal doomed, while forward readily to Facebook or Twitter, more people gathered and spread.

The news received more than 140,000 of the forwarding and comments on Facebook. However, this news is total rumor, the operators of this site nor in the United States, and in the distant European countries a small unknown town of Macedonia Verus (Veles). Looks like the site is built on WordPress blog templates, contact only a Gmail mailbox, is actually a self-media.

Last year, the small town of only tens of thousands of people became United States political rumor mill, there have been at least 140 dedicated United States political news media Web sites, and play looks like a United States Web site names, such as Worldpolitcus, USADailyPolitics, and so on. Their operators are a group of young students, and even some less than 20 years old.

However, these young people of Macedonia created United States political news media sites, making all sorts of decorative, sensational rumors, not really supporting Donald Trump or hate Hillary Clinton. Their sole purpose is to bring Web traffic by rumors, by advertising on the Web page, get advertising from Google AdSense.

Not only are they familiar with United States political and campaign modes, and learned how to spread via Facebook. They rely on traffic sources on Facebook, targeting United States Internet users, because a United States the value of Facebook users is United States users four times.

United States media found BuzzFeed, there are more than 100 currently active United States political information Web site from the Macedonian town, one of the biggest Web site on Facebook also has its own home page, with hundreds of thousands of fans. However, the United Kingdom the guardian survey, at least 150 the number of Web sites.

These sites are not all rumors, more aggregated from United States right-wing and conservative news media. When the site editor after a report found, would be a sensational misleading title, and then sent to spreading on Facebook. More and more people on Facebook, click on the news into their website, they will be able to get more advertising revenue.

However, the United States native also had the media site. A site LibertyWritersNews that has only two employees per month by Web advertising revenue reached US $10,000-40,000. The media has 150,000 fans in Facebook, 95% of the traffic comes from Facebook. They will also pay $3000 per month promotion in Facebook to get more traffic. Clearly, the media know the truth of wool from the sheep.

Since the title of the party's cause, the news or rumor or completely bland always huge hits. Hillary, for example a typical headline article in 2013 that would like to see Trump run for, because he is honest and will not be buying on Facebook received more than 480,000 forward, interactive, and so on. Indeed, only Hillary Clinton had said would like to see more business people to participate in politics, did not mention Thorpe.

But the title of the party was able to bring the flow of traditional media to catch up. By contrast, the New York Times about Trump declared $900 million loss tax shelters exclusive headlines 20 years, this data only 175,000 in Facebook .

Although Facebook has to deal with the identified spam from media sites, but most are limited readers see limiting punishment of these media. Many media media certification mark application for Facebook, so that you are more likely to avoid Facebook penalty.

These sites support had been spreading Democratic primary candidate Bernie Sanders (Bernie Sanders) of the United States left-wing political information, but Donald Trump Hillary matchup is the most content to attract Web traffic. A Web site founder of BuzzFeed revealed that Americans like to watch and the Trump-related news. He earlier founded the site, average of 1 million pageviews per month.

According to these editors said, as more and more people are finding the financial resources, founded hundreds of United States political news site, revenue has been far less now. Their monthly advertising revenue is $5000, the special featured articles or even $3000 per day of income . Macedonia, 2015 gross domestic product per capita of only $14,000.

However, as the United States General elections nearing, the Macedonia heading the party news site will also usher in the transition, some of them began to turn to the health topic. Obviously, this is an ordinary readers the most interesting topic.

国外自媒体标题党:编造美国大选谣言骗流量挣广告费 - IT资讯














这些网站此前也曾经传播过支持民主党初选候选人伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)的美国左翼政治资讯,但川普和希拉里的对决才是最吸引网络流量的内容。一位BVANews.com的网站创始人对BuzzFeed透露,美国人就喜欢看和川普有关的新闻。他年初创办这个网站,平均每个月的浏览量有100万。



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