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published in(发表于) 2016/11/6 9:48:54 Edit(编辑)
Chinese College students borrowing just to play the game: had borrowed 50,000 more than 100,000 yuan,

Chinese College students borrowing just to play the game: had borrowed 50,000 more than 100,000 yuan,(中国大学生网络借款只为玩游戏:曾借五万还十多万元,)



Chinese College students borrowing just to play the game: had borrowed 50,000 more than 100,000 yuan-IT information

A few days ago, qixia district people's court hearing was a bizarre case of borrowing. Plaintiffs and defendants know each other, the plaintiff, Zhang was carrying a 30,000 yuan in IOU money the defendant. Xiao Li is the name of the accused, a junior this signed his name and by the hand of the ious, his grievance, firmly request identification to prove their own innocence. But for this case, Li unworthy parents, admits he got into this lawsuit, because he had to play games online with people borrowed 50,000 yuan, and parents even with interest by more than 100,000. He said: "I never thought, finally paid off, and now puzzling out a pen, felt that this money was not finished. ”

To borrow $30,000 plaintiffs and defendants know each other

During the hearing, this 30,000 worth of ious issued by Zhang, he said, on July 11 this year, Hu on his friend's introduction, knowing Xiao Li borrowed 30,000 yuan in tourism, even though he and Lee did not know each other, but under the friend, he borrowed the money. To trade with both sides on a car, the car stopped at a small roadside near Lees when he gave cash, agreed to the end of July, and interest according to the calculation of interest on earlier loans.

In order to prove their source of cash, Hu stressed, this 30,000 dollars from a project, a project owner who owed him 100,000 yuan wages, to this end, they also went to the police station, under the mediation of the police, and only gave him the money. During the hearing, this IOU issued by Zhang, in addition to the borrower, loan amounts, and other key information with vacancies, the remaining contents are printed well in advance, the other parties will default on payments agreed for every 3%. In other words, if extended repayment, Stacey day 900 Yuan Zhang to pay liquidated damages.

Zhang said, Lee denied. "I don't know Zhang, the IOU is not written by me, the above names, fingerprints, is not my, name is not a sign, fingerprint is not me, I didn't take Zhang 30,000 dollars. "In order to prove what they say is true, Lee applied for identification of the IOU. IOU authenticity needs further confirmation, after 1 hour trial in temporary recess.

Playing games by 50,000 or more than 100,000

After the trial, Li told reporters in an interview. For this case, he said he was being cheated, but ultimately was to blame himself.

Li said that early this year, he is obsessed with playing online games, but these games are not free of charge, and to invest a lot of money. In order to play the game, he introduced the class, loan application through the network, a company has to borrow $50,000 yuan for gaming expenditure. "I just borrowed a 3000 Yuan for the first time, were soon made, they did not mention interest thing. Then the next time I want to borrow 10,000 yuan, taking the money, the person asked me to write to borrow $16,000 worth of ious, and they deducted fees, into my hand only 8000 Yuan. I borrowed a total of 50,000 yuan to them back and forth, then left without money, they find my house. Because of this thing, my family has a total of more than 100,000 yuan for them. "Xiao Li says, because the things you borrow money to play online games, after the family paid more than 100,000 yuan, also has been affected by other calls, asking him to return the money, even in front of his house paint.

"I think that is caught in a ' no money '. Internet money looks like a very simple, submit your application online, then money on the card, or to the other company will be able to take the money. But this is a bottomless pit, hope that their peers not just like me! "Xiao Li said he now regretted very much, feel sorry for my family, hope the identification of his innocence. Meanwhile, he also hoped that more students are playing the game can learn his lesson, away from the game, away from the loan. (Characters in the alias)

Further reading

College student borrowing caused by frequent disputes

Nude loans, school loans, loan-sharking ... ... For now, frequent occurrence of disputes raised by the College student borrowing, even rising to criminal cases, has aroused public concern about school loans. Campus loans was mixed, college students and loan companies are in the wrong position, not only prone to disputes, or even be transformed into criminal cases.

Recently, qixia district, Nanjing City Bureau of Justice joint xianlin street people's mediation committees, in-depth xianlin University City Campus, on the issue of college student loan dispute related survey activities. According to the survey, school loan interest rates high, people staggering, college students are well educated but lack social experience, gullible.

Similar to borrowing this grey area, students should consciously stay away. Common routine is: some loan companies are not even registered in the industrial and commercial sector, is not legal. When you ask lenders for a loan, loan companies will charge you a fee, many lenders have used this means to make money lending were deceived by college students.

Followed by secondary loan receipt. Loans company will write a receipt becomes the second loan. College students borrowed 50,000 yuan to the lending company, return, lenders wrote a receipt, the two sides signed, the results a few days later, found the student loans company, claims that this is his second IOU signed by certificate. This tells us that in establishing borrowing relationships, be sure to carefully write a promissory note or contract, do not give others the chance to exploit.

Not only that, but these loans, there is a dangerous tendency, it's campus development loan referrals, which amounted to a pyramid of people occupation, although gravity is different, but the essence is the same, not only harms himself, and will kill more students.

中国大学生网络借款只为玩游戏:曾借五万还十多万元 - IT资讯

















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