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published in(发表于) 2016/11/2 9:15:30 Edit(编辑)
Pandas accidentally fell into the water, rescue, FDA: this Panda is able to swim,

Pandas accidentally fell into the water, rescue, FDA: this Panda is able to swim,(大熊猫不慎落水,多方救援,林业局:这只熊猫会游泳,)



Pandas accidentally fell into the water, rescue, FDA: this Panda will swim-IT information

Wolong national nature reserve, Sichuan province, a giant panda through hydropower station when he fell into the water, forest police rescue failed repeatedly, then used a tranquilizer gun, at present, the Panda has been released into the wild.

22:44 November 1, China Giant Panda protection and Research Center (part of the Wolong nature reserve) official Micro-Blog published news that "this evening, River station in Sichuan Wolong Geng Dazhen, China Wolong Giant Panda protection and Research Center, forest police, protection of the SAR and gengda town mass rescue giant pandas in the wild. Veterinary staff on-site inspections by the China Giant Panda protection and Research Center, the wild giant pandas had no obvious injuries, its recovery effort, has put the wild back into it. ”

21:30 November 1, Xinhua learned from the Wolong national nature reserve, Sichuan, around 16 o'clock in the afternoon, and a 4 year old female giant pandas in the wild around Geng town power station into the reserves.

Special Administrative Region forest in Wolong in Sichuan Province Public Security Bureau and the China Giant Panda protection and Research Center staff successfully took 3 hours to the giant panda rescued and released into the nature before and after 21 o'clock.

According to the Wolong forest Public Security Bureau He Mingwu introduced, before and after the 16:40 P.M. local, police station near and staff gathered in the field, found that the giant panda was on a steel fence under the dam, about 4 metres from the crest.

Sichuan daily news release shows official micro-blog, the Panda is about 4 years old female Panda. Rescue when it is found, it is "on the fence while lying on the station, could not move."

Forest Public Security Bureau in Beijing, quoted in Wolong He Mingwu said, on November 1 at about 16:40, the police station staff found that the Giant Panda is near and steel fence under the dam, about 4 metres from the crest. After many fruitless rescue Giant Panda fell into the water. Seeing it was getting dark and the Panda mood swings, the police using a tranquilizer gun.

19 o'clock that night, a tranquilizer after about an hour of use, over more than 10 civilian police will be successfully hauled the giant panda. A preliminary examination, the Giant Panda is okay. 21 o'clock that night, regained consciousness after being put on the spot the giant panda into the wild.

Seeing it was getting dark and the Panda mood swings, the police decided to use the tool to pull pandas on the fence, using a tranquilizer gun after anesthesia rescue. Photo released into the wild.

Beijing, message display, 1st at 19 o'clock, using a tranquilizer gun after about an hour, more than 10 civilian police will be successfully hauled the giant panda. Initial inspection of giant pandas is okay. 1st, at 21 o'clock, the Giant Panda has woken up, were released into the wild. Following a preliminary inferred, the giant panda was accidentally drowning while trying to cross the station.

SFA official Micro-Blog reproduced in related news, "rolls said: I was actually able to swim, but hydropower station in the river is fast-flowing ... Had two-legged beasts to save bears face disgrace! ”

大熊猫不慎落水,多方救援,林业局:这只熊猫会游泳 - IT资讯












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