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published in(发表于) 2016/11/2 9:15:18 Edit(编辑)
Coins eight years: and currency price breaking 5000 Yuan, daily turnover of 20 billion,

Coins eight years: and currency price breaking 5000 Yuan, daily turnover of 20 billion,(比特币八周年:,币价破5000元,日成交额200亿,)



Coins eight years: currency prices above 5000 Yuan, daily turnover of 20 billion-IT information

On November 1, the coins prices exceeded 5000 Yuan level again. Coincidence that from claiming to be bencong (Satoshi Nakamoto) mysterious characters in Cryptography bitcoin officially releases white paper on the mailing list, just eight years apart.

Historical data show that bitcoin is the highest ever price for November 2013 1151 dollars (about 8000 yuan renminbi-denominated), recalls in the past two years, prices start at RMB 5000 is also rare. Shang once currency price breakthrough the mark is in this year June, by from EU referendum, factors effect, bit currency by 3000 Yuan Yuan rose to 4000 Yuan Yuan only with has three days time, then currency price in 5000 Yuan Yuan above cross disc 3rd, cross disc end Hou, price line fell; again Qian once is 2013 years second half of bit currency turned 10 times times rose Hou of time paragraph, apart more far.

Since August this year, coins into the upward path. October 1 the currency opened at 4043 Yuan, the afternoon of November 1, bitcoin highest price hit a new record of more than four months exceeded 5000 Yuan, one-month rise in 24%. Meanwhile, bitcoin on turnover also rose sharply, up to 20 billion yuan.

Fire COO Zhu Jiawei currency network believes that currency rises in nearly a month under the influence of both. From a technical perspective, bitcoin on August 3 after the Black Swan event (namely, bitfinex mass theft) of overall prices had stabilised after September 4 officially enter the standards track. After the early days of sideways-adjusted, more army force broke out; long-term and underlying factors as exchange rate factors.

Digital currency is a part of the disposal of assets, currency as a new haven been confirmed several times. On June 24, the United Kingdom announced the referendum's decision outside the EU. On that day, fire bitcoin on the Yuan currency net price 18.94% bitcoins 20.92% against the US dollar prices; earlier in April 2013, debt crisis in Cyprus, bitcoin as decentralized digital money has been favored by hedge funds in Europe, just a few days from more than 30 dollars soared to $ 265, up 8 times.

October 1 RMB after joining the SDR, unilateral devaluation of RMB, the cumulative effect of various markets have begun to show. Below 6.7 milestone against the dollar, prices often come down, contrary to the market trend of RMB coins, prices rose to more than 4,300 yuan. Yuan turned down channel stage, coins or dollars, gold allocation by investors such as hedge and safe-haven assets.

It is reported that the currency is one of the largest currency trading market, 80% currency trading in China.

BitMEX currency derivatives exchange's Chief Executive, Arthur Hayes recently boldly declared: "from August 2015 for now, currency 8%, bitcoin rose 128%, coins in the future or will be close to $ 1000. ”

Meanwhile, close to United States general election time, close to important events affecting the global economy on Friday, United States Federal Bureau of investigation to restart on the Clinton investigation, causing volatility in the markets, so mainstream safe-haven assets such as gold, rise in yen, euros, coins, etc.

Zhu Jiawei said bitcoin is a global multi-currency pricing of investment goods, so sensitive to exchange rate fluctuations, the recent volatility in foreign exchange markets, and that expectations for the exchange rate, affect the price of the currency fluctuation. The other hand, with price volatility, currency by more and more people are concerned about and believe in the intrinsic value of the currency, which is promoting the cause of currency prices.

A currency market analyst told interface journalist, currently involved in mining is still the main way of access to low-cost coins. Previous selling pressure in the market for a long time from miners, some mining is the most wanted investors in currency prices, miners into a large number of hardware devices, take time to recover the cost, short six months longer for more than a year. At the time of the price is right, miners tend to choose the next one or two months to generate some dollar short selling in the market in order to quickly recover the cost in advance. So in some of the key points, large potential selling pressure from the miners.

比特币八周年: 币价破5000元,日成交额200亿 - IT资讯

11月1日,比特币价格再度突破5000元人民币关卡。巧的是,距离自称中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的神秘人物在密码学邮件列表上正式发布比特币白皮书,恰好相隔八年时间。







比特币衍生品交易所BitMEX首席执行官Arthur Hayes近期大胆宣称:“从2015年8月到现在为止,人民币贬值了8%,比特币则同期上涨128%,未来比特币或将接近1000美元。”




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