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published in(发表于) 2016/11/1 8:23:29 Edit(编辑)
Network anchors to attract fans, live “drug abuse“ was permanently banned,

Network anchors to attract fans, live “drug abuse“ was permanently banned,(网络主播为吸引粉丝,直播“吸毒”,被永久封禁,)



Network anchors to attract fans, live "drug addiction" be permanently banned-IT information

Netizens microblogging and explosive material, said betta live platforms, an anchor live drug, has aroused social concern. Last night, the victim involved sowing responded that he had not been a drug just to show effect of imitating. To prove that he did not drug use, he has been under the supervision of local police did a urine test, the result was negative. Yesterday, bettas live platform responded that the host platform's live account has been permanently banned.

Friends reported, October 25, bettas live platforms, a male anchor drug attack, 300,000 people live drug-oriented behavior. Users upload video shows a young man sitting in the driver's seat of the car, in her left hand a piece of paper, a tube in his right hand, with tubes near the nose, making movements of suspected drugs. This matter came to light, aroused heated discussion, some netizens call for alarm, hope the police involved in the investigation, "live drug addiction will have adverse effects on many people and will give the community the imitation of others."

On October 26, the anchor on his weibo to apologize to the public, broadcast the same day, he is to increase program effectiveness, performed a very bad show. His role as a fitness model, in order to stay in shape, even the smoke won't, when live just played to the Gallery, please the audience. The microblog to be certified of the anchors for the 2010 Shanghai International Model t male module second runner-up, wrote on Twitter at the same time there are men in the fighting fish live platform account. Yesterday, a reporter on bettas live platform website search for the account, found the account no longer exists.

Last night, the victim in question play Mr Wong told the Beijing Times reporter, he had not been drug users day bucket fish live act is a parody on the platform, he used props in the video are two invoices, nothing on paper, just to show the effect. I afterwards realized his imitation had caused a bad effect, "but someone said I on-line live drug users, I will pursue their legal responsibilities."

Mr Wong said, in order to prove that he did not have HIV, the day before he was in the residence of police accompanied the hospital did a urine test, "test results are all negative." In Shanghai, Mr WONG's human biological samples (urine test classes) drug test report form, whose urine test result does not contain morphine, methyl amphetamine and ketamine 3 ingredients, testing date is October 30.

Yesterday, bettas live platform of one staff member told reporters that the host platform's live account has been permanently banned, but specific block reason to disclose.

网络主播为吸引粉丝,直播“吸毒”,被永久封禁 - IT资讯







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