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published in(发表于) 2016/10/30 8:40:54 Edit(编辑)
Google wants to return to China, is what has blocked its return,

Google wants to return to China, is what has blocked its return,(谷歌想返回中国,是什么阻挡了它的回归,)



Google wants to return to China, is what has blocked its return-IT information

Is the connection to the Internet world, but after 2010 no Google presence, BAT up, domestic mobile Internet high ground.

Although many earlier hearsay Google returned to China, but no amount could not offset the number of face of hope. As 2015 Techcruch activities in China, Google Chairman Eric Schmidt (Eric Schmidt), said: "We hope to be able to provide services to China, we also continue to maintain communication with the Government. ”

To view Google's intention to return to China, but regrettably still rumored to return to China. For example, at the approach of China's traditional Spring Festival, President of Google greater China Ishigure Union today in the form of video to users a happy new year, also spoke about the matter and said, we've been on.

Google more frequently this year, on April 16, according to a Forbes report Google's recent business activities were held in China, a move that further overtures to China, and preparing for the launch of the Chinese version of Google Play store, then soon organized the first Google for Entrepreneurs in China activities, including President of Google greater China sikete·bomengte (Scott Beaumont) to attend. Official micro public announcement of October Google developers, Google Developer Conference in December this year in China, the developer micro public claims, the General Assembly will be held on December 8 at the China National Convention Center, held on December 14 at the Shanghai International Convention Center after.

Signs Google hearts, returning to potential in China. Then Google Smartphone giant Huawei established the cooperative relations with China, let its Nexus phone, because China is the world's largest Internet and smart phone market, coupled with active, user data and application development in the Chinese market, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg want to push Facebook to enter the Chinese market, have also come to China many times and met with senior government officials. Apple CEO Tim Cook (Tim Cook) came to China also visited recently in Shenzhen, Nanshan building research and development center of the agreement. So Google exists as a representative of cutting-edge science and technology, market share, China will inevitably want to bite, with Google's current strategy looks to be in a roundabout means of public relations to advance China's market and the Government, but is distant from success.

We know that Google's main business is the main search engine, in which advertising is Google's primary revenue, while mobile is Google's largest global advertising power, but substantive issues are encountered in China Google media after the product was banned, in front of a loop path is missing. Google after 2015 to 2016 United States advertising PC share declines were dismal, mobile was the increase to occupy 59.5%,eMarketer by 2018, 3/4 Google in global advertising revenue will come from the mobile channel, look to the 16 media advertising in China than in 2015 will increase 14%, 28% growth in digital advertising, higher than the United States, and Japan, and Germany and the United Kingdom. China market if, on the one hand it can serve as a media advertising business in China is not familiar with foreign enterprises to enter China's advertising channel, on the other hand, Chinese companies into overseas markets, can Google to publicity abroad.

Return to China all the more obvious trend of interest, Google returned to China and what are the obstacles?

First is regulatory . We know that Google's departure from China is not willing to, but a very unexpected events, which involved behind the game, for the regulators, Google has always been unpopular role long before Google entered China, Google sites has been blocked, the reason for this is Google's choice to public relations tactics to advance. Special in Prism door zhihou (Prism door: United States National Security Council (NSA) and federal survey Council (FBI) Yu 2007 started has a code for "Prism" of secret monitoring project, directly into United States network inter network company of Center Server in mining data, and collection intelligence, including Microsoft, and Yahoo, and Google, and Apple, zainei of 9 home international network giant are participation which), regulatory sector on its effect of poor even reached has conflict of level, visible future Google and regulatory sector of communication negotiations, and Agreement will reach for the stars. Gets the agreed principles of commercial and voice to make the necessary sacrifice is inevitable, for example, strictly abide by the principles of information security and data servers in the country, followed by shielding of sensitive words that Google had to make compromises.

Then seize the Chinese market hard, more strangers to China's market, and competition from other search engines. Because BAT commercial terms and modes of cooperation to be the Chinese market, reverse and insisted on the use of global templates, its business model is likely to be crushed one by one, and Google returned to China's market would have to rebuild the system, at the same time must fully open their own rights, to cater to the business development of China's market patterns and needs. Furthermore, Google alone in China market share, if you want to win a long subsidiary powers--of the need to develop technical research and development, because not only rely on business cooperation, also rely on the technology, through our local technical team quickly adapt the technology platform for the Chinese.

谷歌想返回中国,是什么阻挡了它的回归 - IT资讯


尽管早前有诸多传闻谷歌返华,但再多的打脸次数也无法抵消人们对其的盼望。如2015年的Techcruch中国活动中,谷歌执行主席施密特(Eric Schmidt)表示:“实际上我们是希望能够给中国提供服务的,我们也继续跟政府保持这样的沟通。”


今年的谷歌更是动作频频,4月16日,据《福布斯》报道谷歌近期在中国举办了创业活动,此举被认为是进一步向中国示好,并为中国版谷歌Play商店的推出做准备,随后不久便在中国举办了首次Google for Entrepreneurs活动,其中有谷歌大中华区总裁斯科特·博蒙特(Scott Beaumont)出席。10月时谷歌开发者官方微信公众号宣布,Google开发者大会今年12月将登陆中国,开发者微信公众号称,大会先会于12月8日在北京国家会议中心举行,之后12月14日在上海国际会议中心举行。

种种迹象可知谷歌之心,返华势在必得。再看谷歌与中国智能手机巨头华为结为了合作关系,让其代工Nexus手机,因为中国是全球最大的互联网和智能手机市场,加上中国市场的应用开发活跃、用户数据庞大,Facebook CEO马克·扎克伯格欲为推动Facebook进入中国市场,也曾多次来到中国并会见高级官员。苹果CEO蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)同样也多次来到中国走访,近期还达成协议决定在深圳南山建设研发中心。所以谷歌作为科技技术尖端代表的存在,难免想咬下中国市场份额,以谷歌目前的策略走向似乎将会以一种迂回的公关手段进击中国市场与政府,但离成功还很有距离感。





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