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published in(发表于) 2016/10/28 5:51:39 Edit(编辑)
Hong Kong retail slump: shop Assistant turned friends derivative,

Hong Kong retail slump: shop Assistant turned friends derivative,(香港零售业萧条:店员改行做朋友圈微商,)



Hong Kong retail slump: shop Assistant turned friends derivative-IT information

Many consumers may be more willing to buy gold because the devaluation of the Renminbi products

After the national day Golden Week, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong's many luxury shops and traffic sparse, this is the result of Hong Kong Retail two years continuous decline since. And as Chen MiuMiu salesperson (a pseudonym) was worried about performance this month. During a training session, trainers suggest using the app to do promotion and sales. As with most of the people of Hong Kong, Chen used the chat tool is Whatsapp, micro-letters are not familiar to her.

In a rush to learn the process, Chen began to MiuMiu members of all purchase records have been sending text messages inform you in the future she will be in your circle of friends to make the promotion, customers want like MiuMiu products can support a lot.

Chen Lin was not doing Hong Kong luxury "derivative" first people. As early as 1 year ago, Mei Xue in the salsa (not his real name) has engaged in "derivative" work, and business is booming.

Mei Xue told the newspaper reporters, salsa encourages all frontline sales staff open a micro account, and their friends from time to time send to product information, the company consolidated shipments from Hong Kong, delivered goods within 14 days, and this "derivative" of the business model, the sales staff can also earn a Commission. With the ordinary derivative is, whether customers are using a micro-payment is PayPal, are consolidated with the company's official account to receive money, and no more fare increase.

However, as is imposed by the State administration of taxation announced that it no longer ordinary cosmetics consumption taxes, taxes on cosmetics, from 30% to 15%, has entered the winter the retail industry in Hong Kong is undoubtedly a heavy blow. Sasa Chairman and Chief Executive Eleanor Kwok have recently stated that the news came too suddenly, could affect the company's online shopping and retail business, which is "headache".

Fell for the 18th straight month: price reduction and layoffs are inevitable

Higher cold. Last year, Hong Kong's luxury market continued to play "meet the people"-Christian Dior (Dior), Chanel (Chanel), Prada (Prada) all prices in Hong Kong. In September this year, had very strong performance United Kingdom luxury brand Burberry (Burberry), classic handbags in Hong Kong and in early autumn new last part of product prices, range of 10% to 15%.

Nevertheless, the condition of the retail industry in Hong Kong is "not the coldest, only colder." According to the data of the Census and Statistics Department of the SAR, first half of the year, total retail sales in Hong Kong fell more than 10.5%, is the largest half-drop since 1999. In August, total retail sales in Hong Kong amounting to approximately HK $ 33.9 billion, fell by 10.5%. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government spokesman noted that the current context of public spending in times of economic uncertainty in the maintenance of prudent, and in August was already Hong Kong retail sales figures fell for the 18th straight month.

The Hong Kong Retail Management Association Chairman Thomson Cheng said, has heard a number of company layoffs if after the Christmas and new year, retail sales continued downward, to lay off may occur in February or March next year.

Chen Lin and Mei Xue told reporters that the company did not force each sales person in your circle of friends to do derivative, but in fact, most of the sales people to jobs would do.

In fact, since the beginning of 2003 Hong Kong open "freedom row", Hong Kong's retail business has long been in a State of rapid expansion. Over a long period of time, if served on the Dior or Chanel the big, ordinary salesman salary can reach HK $ 40,000 to 50,000 – you know, newly graduated College students ' average wage in Hong Kong over the same period was only $ 12000.

Li Wei (pseudonym) is a famous master of University of Hong Kong, more than he had been in Hong Kong in a monthly income of only $ 12000. In 2012, because life is hard, he reluctantly had to resume a brand-name watch shop in harbour city. Interview success after one year, he has become a student of "well-off" people in Hong Kong "the train" and buy their favorite House.

Worried about currency purchase

Hong Kong retail sales hit another pressure, is the devaluation of the Yuan in the near future. Lindane (not his real name) Hong Kong residents working in micro-circle of friends, due to faster devaluation this year, her business has also been affected.

"In the past, (due to the exchange rate) all goods are equivalent to hit 80 percent, now approaching 90 percent, Hong Kong is not a price advantage. "Buchanan reluctantly said to the reporter. Earlier this year, the RMB spot rate for the Hong Kong dollar 0.8369, but as of press time Hong Kong dollar against the Yuan's exchange rate had reached 0.8740.

In desperation, lindane can start part-time sales Han Chinese products because South Korean won depreciation a lot over the past year. In addition, she also represented a tiny brand, to support their incomes.

Sasha also recently released sales data for 11 golden week, and surplus police issued, notice at the end of September half-year net profit fell 35% to 45%, mainly in Hong Kong and Macau market sales and gross profit attributable to reasons such as a decline in both.

Jewellery, watches and clocks and watches and other expensive goods sales hit. TSE sui Luen yesterday's interim results announced at the end of August, revenues of HK $ 1.55 billion by year-11.56%; net profit of HK $ 11.739 million, according to year-24.05%. Its business in Hong Kong is the worst-hit areas. TSE sui Luen said that Hong Kong and Macao in the first half turnover decreased by 32.6%.

However, Chow sang sang operating in greater China General Manager Liu Kebin holds a different view. He told reporters, the psychological impact of RMB exchange rate movements on the Mainland consumers limited, many consumers already have expectations. But the fourth quarter is the traditional wedding season in order to offset the negative impact of devaluation.

Liu Kebin said, on the contrary, many consumers may be more willing to buy gold because the devaluation of the Renminbi, because many Chinese people believe that gold is a good hedge. For example, he said, and in 2012 to 2013 RMB exchange rate fluctuations, as there are a lot of people to buy products.

香港零售业萧条:店员改行做朋友圈微商 - IT资讯






















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