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published in(发表于) 2016/10/28 5:51:37 Edit(编辑)
Cold blooded! Men from their upstairs neighbours “temperamental“, use “floor shaker“

Cold blooded! Men from their upstairs neighbours “temperamental“, use “floor shaker“(够狠!男子与楼上邻居“斗气”,竟动用“楼板振动器”,)



Cold blooded! Men from their upstairs neighbours "temperamental", use "floor shaker"-IT information

The morning of October 22, Nanjing Chemical Industrial Park West Gate police station received butyric alarm area residents, said he heard continuous sound vibrations coming from downstairs, and had gone on for several days, hope police can go to look at it. After understanding that civilian police, alarms were but and downstairs tenants across the floor is Mr LAU's neighbor, Ding upstairs kids naughty, noisy downstairs of Liu's family rest. To this end, the door several times and Mr Liu Ding, communication, alarm had been coordinated, but still no good results, pique bought an adsorption of floor vibration by "revenge". Ding here upstairs can't take it anymore, only the police.

Said the neighborhood most hard to solve, after police had painstakingly persuaded more than an hour, two places from the beginning of the hand, to slowly realize their mistake, and eventually police brokered by shaking hands, one due to the noise of high technology "vs" trouble is over.

Alarm police rushed to alarm people downstairs, vaguely heard next to families slightly vibration sound coming out. Come to the front door, mellow, sound is more obvious. Alarms were but told police, was made by Liu downstairs at home using a machine sound, were spread across the floor of his home, want police to communicate with him. Police just went to install machines household floors, met Liu in the elevator. Mr LAU told the police, he also can't help with this "floor shaker".

According to Mr LAU, Ding, upstairs has a large family, many children every day to run upstairs to, the sound of the very large, noisy family cannot rest. Stairs he would have repeatedly communicated with Ding a, but still very noisy, he police. But reported later, Ding noise from home even more. Flay, Liu ordered online a sucker "floor shaker" vibrator from the ceiling, when going out for a walk this afternoon, driving vibrator. Ding to be outdone on the other side and vibrator is set, they can be issued with a hammer, everything sounds something banging on the ground, to fight back.

Police listened to Mr LAU's story, went Ding, to understand the situation. Mr Ding said Mr LAU had to communicate with them several times, they are just normal walking at home, children in home runs without manners, there may be some impact, but it is difficult to control. Did not expect Liu to the police, they feel that Mr LAU a teacup qibuguo make a lot of noise. Zhihou, Mr Liu has installed a machine at home, keeps an earthquake the floor of their home, they brought a hammer, tap back.

After the police learned the whole story, began mediation efforts on two, respectively. Police patiently advised the parties, we all live in the same building, there is friction between neighbors is a normal thing, but keep on fighting, and ultimately lose. While such retaliation, not only hurt others, would also hurt himself.

"He turned on vibrator, you hit the floor, none of us would benefit, the problem is still there, tensions are growing larger, quality of life is also getting worse, even to other tenants. Eye not only on the faults of others, must find their own reasons. "Police earnestly persuaded for over an hour, both sides deadlocked standoff, attitudes soften, recognizing that this may not be good. Police strike, made an emotional plea, Daniel, two neighbors finally stated there is a mistake, the two eventually buried the hatchet.

够狠!男子与楼上邻居“斗气”,竟动用“楼板振动器” - IT资讯








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