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published in(发表于) 2016/10/25 8:05:09 Edit(编辑)
Local 1-minute reward of 1 million Yuan, net red anchor out of control tears,

Local 1-minute reward of 1 million Yuan, net red anchor out of control tears,(土豪1分钟打赏100万元,网红主播失控流泪,)



Local 1-minute reward of 1 million Yuan, net red anchor out of control tears-nets red, anchorwoman, Webcast-IT information

How fire live? Streets, shopping malls, Conference see people live everywhere, local big tips news anchors are endless. Over the weekend, a local rewards network red anchors small video went viral on the Web, the local Howe threw 1 million yuan in just 1 minute, reticulocyte briefly lost control of the tears.

The night of 22nd, anchors a platform in front of a live song dance during a user suddenly shows her love, net red anchor disdain said: "10 XXXX (virtual gifts) to go with you. ”

? Many Watch fans feeling a message

Stunning scene took place: local boasted to anchor for a year, then less than 1 minutes, sent out 500 consecutive virtual gifts! Virtual gifts is virtual gifts in this live streaming platform,1 virtual gift equivalent to about 2000 Yuan . Watching users a rough conversion of 500 virtual gift is equivalent to RMB 1 million !

This magnificent gift from above apparent to anchor off guard. Anchor at first did not believe that was in front of the camera and her fans laughing, with a succession of "XXXX (virtual gifts)" flashed on the screen, she was shocked at the scene called: "100 Ah! "And when all 500 virtual gifts to send out, anchor seems to have froze, her eyes turn red after a few seconds tears in the Studio.

This scene also stunned the crowd of fans, they couldn't help but sigh: "capture local gift giving scene", "1 minute 1 million RMB, anchor life winners! "At the same time, many netizens have also recorded a small video sharing to the network, incomplete statistics, share this little video is 10 million times, adding up to watch 100 million times.

Small video went viral on the Internet has also raised the concern of many users, some lamented local practices and imaginative atmosphere, "begged local when I recognize, ask away! ", Others expressed no shame to this wealth, they say: the money Oh, how wonderful!

1 min-Ho threw millions of broadcast industry on the game also broke the tour record. In this regard, the experts remind: the local practice is not worthy of emulation, the anchor should not be "overnight" to chance.

土豪1分钟打赏100万元,网红主播失控流泪 - 网红,女主播,网络直播 - IT资讯









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