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published in(发表于) 2016/10/23 10:54:32 Edit(编辑)
United States some States use computer algorithms to assess crime: suspicion of racial discrimination,

United States some States use computer algorithms to assess crime: suspicion of racial discrimination,(美国部分州使用计算机算法评估犯罪:涉嫌种族歧视,)



United States some States use computer algorithms to assess crime: suspicion of racial discrimination-IT information

IT information in order to ensure equal treatment and justice, United States some States a Compas algorithm is being used to assess crime. Computer does not use the purpose of the algorithm is taken into account in judging the suspect risks does not take into account on issues such as highly subjective issues such as black and white races. But survey institutions recognized as factors of racial prejudice it may not exist, because black defendants more likely to be a high risk score.

Using computer algorithms to assess crime, intended purpose is to reduce subjective effect. But according to Netflix's documentary Making a Murderer (drops) of content, has been used the algorithm of the Wisconsin judicial injustice issues. Although authorities say the algorithms are very fair, but the algorithm is considered trade secret, there is no known secret.

According to ProPublica's investigations, this algorithm is not as impartial as publicity, data shows that in the history of the same crime, same age and same gender case, black defendants than white defendants may be more likely to be given a high risk score. But is this coincidence or is the algorithm itself has a problem, may also only developers and the local judiciary in mind.

美国部分州使用计算机算法评估犯罪:涉嫌种族歧视 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 为了保证一视同仁和司法公正,美国部分州正在使用一款名为Compas的算法来评估犯罪。选用该算法的目的是考虑到计算机不会在判断嫌疑人风险等问题上不会考虑黑白种族等主观性很强的问题。但调查机构确认为该算法可能存在种族偏见的因素,因为黑人被告更容易获得高风险评分。

利用计算机算法来评估犯罪,本来的目的就是降低主观影响。但根据Netflix的纪录片《Making A Murderer(造凶)》的内容来看,已经采用该算法的威斯康星州就存在司法不公正的问题。虽然当局称算法非常公正,但该算法原理被视为商业机密,目前无法知晓其中奥秘。


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