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published in(发表于) 2016/10/23 10:54:30 Edit(编辑)
United States site of mass outage, foreign media: China’s Internet equipment to be manipulated,

United States site of mass outage, foreign media: China’s Internet equipment to be manipulated,(美国网站遭遇大规模宕机,外媒:中国造的物联网设备被操控,)



United States site of mass outage, foreign media: China's Internet device being manipulated-IT information

IT information news on October 23, local time on Friday, the United States DNS Dyn DNS service providers suffer from malware, these attacks led to include Twitter, Amazon, Paypal, including several well-known Web site inaccessible, and 2.5 hours later began to recover after.

? United States attack cut off area

It is reported that this attack was known as the DoS (Denial of Service, denial of service) attacks, hackers by providing the domain name resolution services are sending a lot of meaningless requests, resulting in normal user-initiated requests for domain name resolution cannot answer, and ultimately, cause network downtime.

Who then is able to launch astronomical request? Answer is Internet devices throughout the world, including every camera, intelligent sensor, door sensor, intelligent fridge washing machine.

Now outside media said, security research personnel said, caused the network Dang machine event of culprit may is large of real networking equipment--including networking of camera and digital VCR, these equipment may for was hacker hijacked and was using, and said these involved thing products of most component by China a home manufacturers manufacturing, this China manufacturers name for XiongMai Technologies, they of products usually was with in other brand of equipment Shang, including factory set of hard coding equipment Shang.

Malware named Mirai to control these devices, the software is able to infect vulnerable networking devices, including security cameras, DVR and Internet routers. Via a malicious infection, these Internet appliances will become a zombie network of broiler equipment, and be used to implement large scale DDoS attack.

This attack shows that Internet risks do exist, there seems to be no way.

美国网站遭遇大规模宕机,外媒:中国造的物联网设备被操控 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 10月23日消息,当地时间本周五,美国DNS域名解析服务商Dyn遭受恶意软件侵袭,这些攻击导致包括推特、亚马逊、Paypal等在内的多家知名网站无法登陆,两个半小时后之后才开始陆续恢复。


据悉,这次的攻击是著名的DoS(Denial of Service,拒绝服务)攻击,黑客通过向域名解析服务商不断发送大量无意义的请求,导致正常用户发起的域名解析请求无法应答,因此最终导致网络宕机。


现在外媒称,安全研究人员表示,造成此次网络宕机事件的罪魁祸首可能是大量的物联网设备——包括联网的摄像头和数字录像机,这些设备可能因遭到黑客劫持而被利用,并称这些涉事产品的大部分组件由中国一家厂商制造,这家中国厂商名为XiongMai Technologies,他们的产品通常被用在其他品牌的设备上,包括出厂设置的硬编码设备上。



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