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published in(发表于) 2016/10/23 10:54:27 Edit(编辑)
Suspected Kremlin open GPS jammers: abnormal positioning of the local population,

Suspected Kremlin open GPS jammers: abnormal positioning of the local population,(克里姆林宫疑似开启GPS干扰器:当地民众定位异常,)



Suspected Kremlin open GPS jammers: abnormal positioning of the local population-IT information

IT information many Russia citizens reflected GPS signals near the Kremlin in Moscow, the capital anomalies recently, not navigation cannot be located, is positioned floating out on the way, which leased, network drivers do nothing about cars and other old (call and ask just fine ... ... ), Also played the Elf treasure can be players who dream of Go away from this place.

What the hell is going on? Russia a programmer of the famous search engine Yandex Grigory Bakunov has concluded that within the Kremlin have shielded GPS system , the Government installed the system should be based on national security considerations. But Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said this did not know, but he admits that he also experienced this phenomenon while driving. He said he had referred the issue to protect Putin's federal security service, the Federal Security Service declined to comment.

In view of the GPS system from the United States, so the positioning system could pose a threat to the security of other States. If GPS signal problems in and around the Kremlin was not an accident, it means that Moscow has its security measures in the system. China had their own independent "Big Dipper" and positioning system accuracy is better than the United States ' GPS, so want to completely get rid of the GPS in the future, increased safety factor.

克里姆林宫疑似开启GPS干扰器:当地民众定位异常 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 很多俄罗斯民众反映,最近首都莫斯科的克里姆林宫附近GPS信号异常,不是导航无法定位,就是定位地点飘出去老远,这让出租、网约车等老司机们无可奈何(打电话问问就没事了……),也让玩《精灵宝可梦Go》的玩家们远离此地。

这到底是怎么回事?俄罗斯著名搜索引擎Yandex的一位程序员Grigory Bakunov在研究后认为克里姆林宫内有屏蔽GPS的系统,政府安装该系统应该是出于国家安全考虑。不过目前普京总统的发言人Dmitry Peskov表示对此并不知情,但他承认自己驾车时也遭遇了这一现象。他说已经将该问题转给了保护普京的联邦安全局,但联邦安全局拒绝置评。


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