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published in(发表于) 2016/10/22 10:53:12 Edit(编辑)
United States top five technology companies market value of $ 1.8 trillion, less than in the past to recruit 100,000 people,

United States top five technology companies market value of $ 1.8 trillion, less than in the past to recruit 100,000 people,(美国五大科技公司市值1.8万亿美元,比过去少招聘10万人,)



United States top five technology companies market value of $ 1.8 trillion, less than in the past to recruit 100,000 people-IT information

The well-being of technology seems to have become a widespread belief in the future. But in these before the arrival of a better future, people might have to face the problem of unemployment and inequality. According to foreign media reports, market booming technology industry, offers far fewer job opportunities than in the past.

United States technology company became more rich, but work is variable less has Wall Street daily pointed out that, past ten years to, now of Americans has can with Google find information, with Facebook social, play iPhone, or in Amazon Shang buy almost any things, but Dang Google of mother company Alphabet and Facebook two between new giant of total market has turned has twice times, far over 500 billion dollars of while, is only provides has 74, 505 jobs, only Microsoft's 1/3. And as Instagram for $ 1 billion price tag is acquired, it only has 13 employees.

WhatsApp is another extreme example. When they provided software can already services 450 million users, and when bought by Facebook to a record US $ 19 billion in 2014, WhatsApp but only has 55 employees.

According to statistics, today United States 5 of the local technology industry giants, including Apple, Alphabet, Facebook, Oracle, Microsoft, and the amazing total of $ 1.8 trillion worth. However compared to 20 years ago the United States five major technology companies, including Cisco, IBM, Intel, Oracle and micro-soft, 80% less compared to their total market value now, but employed 22% people, conversion, today's American-5 giants, some eliminated 100,000 jobs.

An unconditional basic income? The Wall Street Journal pointed out that such extreme inequality, and irreversible technological future, except perhaps to replace the traditional work on United States impact the working class, also lead to Trump such atypical political figures to use the anxieties of blue-collar line. As regards its development process, the Wall Street Journal it is attributable to technology companies such as Cisco and Apple, starting from 2000 continued relocation of manufacturing jobs to Asia.

Therefore, the United States newly emerged information technology industry to create new software needs, but could not offset the exodus of manufacturing jobs, as well as the potential impact of robots. By contrast, Asia Hon Hai a market value of about $ 48 billion, employing a total of 1.3 million employees, of inequitable distribution of global economic shifts. However, this uneven but likely to continue expanding, the Amazon now has 45,000 machines people, responsible for the 1/3 of the United States logistics warehouse to do simple automation of loading.

In response to such a situation, it was proposed "unconditional basic income", that is, unconditional grant to meet the needs of the people and property (or even does not arrange the rich). Although it was originally intended to experiment in minority areas, poor people can escape the cycle of poverty, without stifling productivity in the country.

The good news is that, since 1960, according to the current, from Africa, Canada to India has been empirical research, "unconditional basic income" can actually help the poor to turn, let the education of their children, make for a living around freeing parents to owners of small businesses or even reducing alcohol-related problems. For rich countries, and, if used carefully, can also effectively reduce social welfare expenditure.

美国五大科技公司市值1.8万亿美元,比过去少招聘10万人 - IT资讯









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