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published in(发表于) 2016/10/22 10:53:11 Edit(编辑)
Steve Ballmer: Zuckerberg turned down Microsoft’s $ 24 billion acquisition proposal

Steve Ballmer: Zuckerberg turned down Microsoft’s $ 24 billion acquisition proposal(鲍尔默:扎克伯格拒绝了微软的240亿美元收购提案,)



Steve Ballmer: Zuckerberg turned down Microsoft's $ 24 billion acquisition proposal-IT information

On October 22, in the past few years, Facebook has never lacked the buyout offer, a number of companies are interested in Facebook acquired its. For example, in 2006, the price of Yahoo for $ 1 billion bid for the social network, it also became one of the most famous of the industry.

Now, for Facebook, and $ 1 billion seems to be a piece of cake, but you know, in 2006, Facebook was a start-up was founded only two years, and at the time, who can guarantee that the start-up companies to become technology giants such as current. In addition, dating back to 2006, when MySpace was once very prosperous, but when Facebook is new to many people.

Of course, Yahoo over the years in the technology industry is not the only expression of intention to acquire Facebook giant. Other than Yahoo, another technology giant in 2010--Microsoft has tried to buy Facebook. Of course, compared with 2006, Facebook does amazing changes have taken place, rather than growing a lot, which is, from Microsoft's takeover offer can be demonstrated. Despite Facebook's initial public offering (IPO) took place two years later, but until 2010, when the social networks are now frantically growing, and firmly established itself as the only worthy of attention for social status.

On Friday, Microsoft's former Chief Executive, NBA Los Angeles Clippers boss Steve Ballmer (Steve Ballmer) reviewed some of Microsoft's past business mergers and acquisitions. Microsoft never discussed when considering buying Twitter, Ballmer said, Microsoft did seriously consider things you want to buy Facebook.

When asked when how much Microsoft is willing to pay to acquire Facebook, Ballmer's answer is $ 24 billion. Mr Ballmer said, "I think, in the circumstances, $ 24 billion is a good price, but he refused. I respect his decision. ”

鲍尔默:扎克伯格拒绝了微软的240亿美元收购提案 - IT资讯




本周五,微软前首席执行官、NBA洛杉矶快船队的现任老板史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)回顾了微软过去的一些业务并购案例。在阐述微软从未考虑收购Twitter时,鲍尔默倒是表示,微软的确认真考虑过想收购Facebook的事。


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