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published in(发表于) 2016/10/21 9:55:26 Edit(编辑)
Era of citizen journalists: one-fourth news social media content

Era of citizen journalists: one-fourth news social media content(公民记者时代:四分之一新闻有社交媒体内容)



Era of citizen journalists: one-fourth news social media content-IT news

Social media management platforms SAM (Social Media curation platform) to study the 100duowange of the Web page, attempting to understand social media in today's news reports played a role. Research shows that social media content embedded in the 1/4 news.

With the boom of social media, the global news industry has completely changed. For newsrooms, social media makes it easier for their coverage of breaking news, can provide more witness content and information in real time. From a size standpoint, any news organization is likely to have numerous "citizen journalists" social media competition. Without social media, news organizations find it difficult to provide so many Visual and compelling content.

SAM's report is to quantify the usage of social media in the news, and each social network on this contribution to irreversible trend. In order to quantify social media embedding status, SAM developed a "Web crawler", testing that is embedded directly into social media content in news reporting. And take advantage of their unique social media monitoring technology analyzes each embedded content "State of health".

By analyzing the 100duowange most prominent news Web page in the world, including the New York Daily News, Fox News, Forbes magazine, CNN, and Vox, SAM through their Report Card tool to analyze social media in the news reports of the prevalence and impact. Research shows that social media content embedded in the 23% news, 10% since their release the embedded content has either been modified or deleted.

Report Card is a free tool that media it can help found embedded on their website how many social media content, and whether the content is modified or deleted. Founder SAM zhanmusi·niufeierde (James Neufeld) said: "the news organization's management cannot deny that social media content is an important part of news reporting, had a huge impact on their reports. ”

1. social breakthroughs: Twitter as "King of the embedded"

Among them, Twitter in the news content that is embedded in most, over Youtube, Instagram, and the sum of social networks such as Facebook, embed content accounted for 59%.

Youtube ranked second, given the dominance of its video platform, its embedded content as a percentage total is nearly 26%. Instagram was third, accounting for 14% of the total capacity, and rising rapidly.

Facebook ranked fourth, accounting for 1% of the total capacity. Although Twitter is still "King of the embedded" Instagram Huntress.

2. social media supports embedding

Twitter has long supported embedding, and encourage the media to embed their content. Twitter is the easiest platform for search, it became the "King of the embedded" is the expected thing.

Instagram rise should not be underestimated. In fact, by 2017, Instagram embedded will be more than Youtube. Instagram and brief characteristics of diversity, not less "snappy" line of high-end media set a new standard.

Youtube is another platform for long-term support for embedded content. When referring to online video, you first think of Youtube. Even with the new competitors are emerging, Youtube continued to demonstrate its strength as a high-end platform for news content.

Role in supporting social media content embedded, Facebook didn't put too much effort. As the world's largest social media, Facebook's strategy is clearly to ensure that retain customers, rather than on other platforms to share content.

3. embedding decline

While social media can be powerful tools for supporting news reports, but will often have unforeseen and delayed consequences. Over time, such influences are leading the social media embed content into ruin. SAM reported in the news release, 5% social media embedding content modified by the author, with original content on the platform is no longer the same. Another 5% even be deleted.

SAM found, leads to social media is embedded in the primary reason for the decline is due to the content to be deleted. Social media is more and more an important part of core reports, lost the narrative never translate into better reading experience, not to mention the broken link can affect SEO (search engine optimization) order.

Embedding social media in decline and the second reason is that the author of the article to be edited or modified. We have seen many examples of intentional or malicious use of embedded content, many Uploaders to change profile picture or title, to achieve a specific objective.

Of course, not all embedded declined is the intentional injury behaviors, nor are journalists or publishers embed social media content should be avoided. Publishers are trying to capture the way or use the embed code, reduce the risks of embedding social media. Another option is using a supplier embedded content provided by SAM.

4. embed affect loading time

For media, reducing the loading time of growing pressure and embedding social media are more likely to increase load time, cause many readers to stop reading.

SAM found that contains embedded content for social media news reports, on average, 3 per page embedded content, load time of 1.2 seconds. And when the loading time of 250 milliseconds, the reader will feel frustrated. But when time reaches 2.4 seconds, 40% reader may give up to continue reading. But embedding social media content is at the center of an important part of the story, and often need to be loaded first.

Key conclusions

Embedding social content will continue to exist, modern news coverage will also continue to adopt this approach, and as a means of providing wider access and content.

Embed the original social media content is on the wane is a fact that cannot be ignored. In this process, the social media need to be addressed in the news after the release of embedded content is broken and the contents are modified, and so on.

For an online newsroom, need to continue efforts to reduce load time, so as to attract readers not to give up reading. Compared with the non-editing script, publishers need to optimize the core script load time.

公民记者时代:四分之一新闻有社交媒体内容 - IT资讯

社交媒体管理平台SAM(Social media curation platform)对100多万个网站页面进行研究分析,试图解读出社交媒体在当今新闻报道中发挥了怎样的作用。研究显示,1/4新闻报道中嵌有社交媒体内容。



通过分析全世界100多万个表现最突出的新闻网网页,包括《纽约每日新闻》、福克斯新闻网、《福布斯》杂志、CNN以及Vox等,SAM通过其Report Card工具分析社交媒体在新闻报道中的盛行率和影响。研究显示,23%的新闻报道中嵌有社交媒体内容,而10%的嵌入内容自从发布以来要么被修改,要么被删除。

Report Card是免费工具,媒体可以借助它发现自家网站上目前有多少社交媒体嵌入内容,以及这些内容是否被修改或删除。SAM创始人詹姆斯·纽菲尔德(James Neufeld)表示:“新闻机构的管理层不能否认,社交媒体内容属于新闻报道的重要组成部分,对他们的报道产生了巨大影响。”






















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