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published in(发表于) 2016/10/20 10:55:45 Edit(编辑)
Uber,CEO: we will become in the future a robot company,

Uber,CEO: we will become in the future a robot company,(Uber,CEO:我们未来将变成一家机器人公司,)



Uber CEO: we will become in the future a robot company-IT information

According to foreign media reports, although Uber is the most overvalued in the world (68 billion dollar) start-up companies, but in the eyes of the company CEO kalannike, Uber shouldering more important mission in the future.

"Uber became a robotics company in the future, but we're still in the early stages," kalannike in Vanity Fair's new Business Summit, held said. "Uber now has hundreds of technicians are committed to solve this problem. "Maybe next you open the Uber application would one" robots "see me.

As one of the world's largest car-sharing service company, Uber has 40 million month active passengers, its business across 450 cities in 70 countries worldwide.

However, the Uber along the way is not easy. Their defining identity of issues often become the accused, sometimes strict supervision by the local regulations. In addition, the Uber the quality of drivers is often criticized by some passengers.

Years ago Uber eye automated driving technology, using their technology, their automatic driving taxis in Pittsburgh has been a smooth road, Uber also became a self-driving pioneers in the field of homeopathy.

"Software while driving a vehicle, what software can you see what they are thinking. "Kalannike explains. "The development over time, autonomous vehicle technology will become more and more crucial to us, they are not an empty concept, but real, present in the machine. ”

Uber CEO:我们未来将变成一家机器人公司 - IT资讯







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