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published in(发表于) 2016/10/20 10:55:34 Edit(编辑)
Don’t be too superstitious haze Tower, experts say the results to find cloth site,

Don’t be too superstitious haze Tower, experts say the results to find cloth site,(别太迷信雾霾净化塔,专家称效果不如找块布盖工地,)



Don't be too superstitious haze Tower, experts say the results to find cover site-IT information

Beijing once again lost in fog and haze. Since the beginning of October 18, Beijing particulate concentration continued to rise, up to 19th, at 12 o'clock, heavy pollution has lasted 19 hours, with 6 stations reached the critical level of pollution, and increasing trend. 19th, the municipal meteorological station issued a haze of yellow warning signal again, this is since October, suffered a third round of severe pollution in North China, Beijing Bureau of meteorology fifth heavily polluted yellow warning was issued.

Meanwhile, a fight against smog "war" is quietly under way. By the Netherlands designed by artist Dan·luosijiade titled "Cave of the smog-free" smog tower at the end of September in Beijing, currently in the 798 art district, Chaoyang District, debugging and testing , elective official met with the public.

According to about media reported, the fog haze purification Tower has 7 meters high, is world Shang maximum of air purification device, its using small of green energy and patent of no ozone ion technology, each hours can purification 30,000 cubic metres of air, can capture and collection air in the at least 75% of PM2.5 and PM10 fog haze particles, while to 360 degrees full release fresh air, in Tower of around manufacturing out a ring fresh air regional. Designers also said the collection of smog particles can be compressed into black jewels.

In China, the "Cave of the smog-free" haze haze Tower the governance "artifact" in number. On May 12, 2016, the XI in addition to capping haze Tower project on schedule. Allegedly, the device can be removed by atmospheric PM2.5 in the formation of smog such as NOx, SO2, and key precursors, thus effectively controlling smog formation. In January 2015, there was fog Gun Carriage away haze, Zhengzhou city. Allegedly, the spray mist particles can reach micron level, so as to break down air pollution particles, dust and so on, to alleviate the effects of smog. In addition, Zhejiang University Professor Yu Shaocai also raised "water-jet treatment of haze" approach, saying to the outside on top of the tower and the Tower of atmospheric water, reduce air pollution, curbing serious smog.

"Perhaps is the treatment of haze of despair. "Institute of Tsinghua University, energy innovation on the Internet says He Jijiang, Director of the Research Office of policy development.

Despite the demand for smog control has very urgent, but the "Cave of the smog-free" smog tower still questioned by many experts. According to expert calculations, in the condition of serious pollution, the PM2.5 concentrations of 200 micrograms per cubic meter, which absorb PM2.5 total 30000x200x0.001x0.001x75%=4.5 grams per hour. According to the data, which absorb the amount of smog per hour less than the weight of a teaspoon of salt. The expert joked: "is to find a cover to your site now! ”

"Treating haze ' artifact ' can give it a try, but the symptoms, not the causes, can only play a role in experiments. "He Jijiang said.

别太迷信雾霾净化塔,专家称效果不如找布盖工地 - IT资讯








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