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published in(发表于) 2016/10/20 10:55:28 Edit(编辑)
360 head set off, Baidu NET response: personal cloud service, as always,

360 head set off, Baidu NET response: personal cloud service, as always,(360云盘关闭,百度网盘回应:个人云服务一如既往,)



360 head set off, Baidu NET response: personal cloud service as always-IT information

IT news , October 20,360 head set today's announcement , announcement of service transformation, decided to stop the personal cloud service now until February 1, 2017 a member refund, Yun Pan upload service, November 1, February 1, 2017 to close all account and empty data in the cloud.

The announcement has fueled widespread concern, after all, had the Thunder fast disk, kingsoft fast, SINA weibo, Huawei has announced the closure of individual services such as Web site and 360 head set and close the services, Web site services available to everyone in the future will be less, the Baidu currently cover the widest users of network services.

However in the 360 head set announced the closure shortly after came online a so-called Baidu "announcement", claiming that Baidu is clouds of storage services will be closed on December 31, 2016 for free to individual users. The news got out, instant explosion, netizens have said they can only cut hands in the future buy a hard drive, of course, some netizens said the Baidu website to suggest that this kind of notice, leading many users to Baidu micro asks.

Users ask, Baidu has just responded, "said Baidu's Web site will continue to provide users with stable and reliable personal cloud storage services. ”

That is, Baidu's Web site had no plans at present to close personal storage services, Internet Baidu is clouds end of service announcement really rumors.

360云盘关闭,百度网盘回应:个人云服务一如既往 - IT资讯






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