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published in(发表于) 2016/10/16 11:31:21 Edit(编辑)
Phishing Web red, Shanxi double eyelid terracotta delisted

Phishing Web red, Shanxi double eyelid terracotta delisted(靠仿冒成网红,山西双眼皮兵马俑被摘牌)



Phishing Web red, Shanxi double eyelid terracotta delisted-double eyelid delisted from the Terra-Cotta Warriors, Terra cotta-IT information

On October 16, during the national day holiday, a group facial effects of fake terracotta warriors and horses at the same time caused a large number of Internet, also exposed the Xian "day trip" chaos. Actually claims to be "the Qin mausoleum Palace, the eight wonder of the world Museum, banquet sites, Wang Ying and the terracotta army" and many other attractions are the shanzhai version.

Recently, related departments in XI ' an official announcement, Lin Tong Qin mausoleum Palace three 3 a-class scenic area is delisted, quality grade scenic was cancelled, a year to reapply for level.

CCTV reported, on October 14, the management of tourism resources exploitation in XI ' an evaluation Committee published a bulletin, revealed major problems during the national day holiday period, 3 3 a-class scenic area is delisted, this 3 scenic spot in Lintong, respectively the Qin mausoleum Palace and the Lintong Museum and Museum of Lintong banquet the eight wonders of the world. Quality grade scenic spots in accordance with the regulations, quality grade scenic was cancelled, since the termination date of a year to reapply for level.

靠仿冒成网红,山西双眼皮兵马俑被摘牌 - 双眼皮兵马俑摘牌,兵马俑 - IT资讯




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