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published in(发表于) 2016/10/13 6:29:22 Edit(编辑)
2016 China graduates starting salaries survey: Internet top, bottom of the philosophy, history,

2016 China graduates starting salaries survey: Internet top, bottom of the philosophy, history,(2016中国毕业生专业起薪调查:互联网行业最高,哲学、历史垫底,)



2016 China graduates starting salaries survey: Internet top, bottom-graduate of philosophy, history, salary-IT information

In 2016 college students continues to heat up, the Internet, financial services, digital media, graduate salaries continue to lead. According to 2016 out BOSS directly hired graduate employability and competitiveness report, in 2016, average 30 Professional of the highest starting salaries of graduates, the top three are all computer-related, starting salary is more than 5500 Yuan. Communications, majoring in international finance and other traditional hot keep in the first group, graduates with an average salary of more than 5000 Yuan.

With economic restructuring, and gradually become the Internet "infrastructure", Internet-related professional graduates are also more likely to get a high starting salary and good development of the discipline. BOSS straight external report shows that in 2016 graduates the highest starting salaries of 30 professionals, computer science and technology, network engineering, software engineering, three graduates with an average starting salary of more than 5500 Yuan.

Because there are major in computer power, engineering has become in 2016 College categories with the highest average starting salaries of health disciplines, 4337, 9.5% higher than the overall average salary. Economics (4301), Science (4286) breakdown of two or three. Popular subjects including philosophy, history, the bottom.

Not only are graduates, for "ten gold and nine silver" jump season, is as good as the Internet, finance, and other popular employment situation. Hunt hired released the report on the third quarter of 2016, talent shows, three quarters of this year, Internet, financial, real estate, talent shortage of leading an industry-wide.

In the ranking of industry-wide demand in the third quarter, the Internet industry ranked first, talent needs up to 34.05% per cent, its talent as evidenced by absorptive capacity. Worth noting is that real estate demand finished third to 9.7%, second only to the financial sector. Not only because of property sales into the season, but also with the environment of the real estate industry as a whole warmed up in the second half of this year.

From the perspective of remuneration, the Internet and financial sector high on the top two earning are 255,500 with 253,200 Yuan. These two industries with its technical and professional has high demands for improvement in the industry's "social status". By contrast, in traditional industries such as consumer goods, machinery manufacturing wages, presented an obvious disadvantage. With the real estate industry in the traditional industries, due to its development of heat in the third quarter, the average annual salary was significantly higher than other traditional industries, 223300 salary ranked fifth.

2016中国毕业生专业起薪调查:互联网行业最高,哲学、历史垫底 - 毕业生,薪水 - IT资讯







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