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published in(发表于) 2016/10/11 8:32:13 Edit(编辑)
Fraudulent credit card madness of 2.54 million Yuan a night,

Fraudulent credit card madness of 2.54 million Yuan a night,(盗刷信用卡254万元的疯狂一夜,)



Crazy night-2.54 million fraudulent credit card credit cards, fraudulent, POS machine-IT information

When you go out consumer credit card, do not allow bank card leave their sight.

Bank cards in his own body, but in just 5 minutes, stolen more than brush more than 2.54 million Yuan. Recently, Nanjing, one of the people from midnight, after receiving the alarm, Nanjing police formed task force to investigate. A month later, succeeded in destroying a fraudulent credit card crime gangs, arrested the main suspects, 12.

Reporters learned that the gang arranged to Nanjing job as a restaurant waiter, waiting to steal consumers ' bank card information, copy cards are fraudulent . Police warned that recent such cases in Nanjing have, when you go out consumer credit card, do not allow bank card leave their sight.

Midnight Express

Reminiscent of the experience of midnight on August 26, Nanjing residents still feel horrible. That evening, his cell phone received 4 consecutive messages sent by banks, suggesting consumption 4 cards more than 2.54 million Yuan, was 990,000, 990,000 yuan, 490,000 and 74,000 yuan. But this time, his bank card in his possession.

Soon, daguang road Nanjing police station received a quarter of some police. "Card on my body, how could consume? "An alarm at the same time, also notified the Bank.

After receiving the alarm, first time deployed police elite forces of the Public Security Bureau in Nanjing, and qinhuai police formed task force to investigate. In order to assist victims to recover their losses, the police immediately contact the Bank for emergency stop payment and tracking the money trail.

"The suspect is very cunning, specifically chosen to fraudulent early this morning, Bank at this time is not working time, paid for emergency difficult. "Task force told reporters police, assisted by the Bank, the police gradually find out the fraudulent funds flow. Suspect by two POS machines stolen bank card to quarter of a brush, one in Qingdao, Shandong province, one in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, and two POS machines belong to two different banks. Money in bank card into and POS-bound, was transferred to the bank card within a short time, after which the money through ATM machines in Guangzhou now.

"Criminal gangs overnight to get the money, has been busy until 6 in the morning, almost more than 2.54 million Yuan all empty. "Police, police and suspects the clock, eventually paid 100,000 yuan of emergency.

Project analysis, criminal gangs are in some way for a quarter of a bank card information, and then make two copies, credit card cash through POS machines. Accordingly, the Panel around the bank card information theft, POS machine transfers, ATM cash withdrawal and other key steps, Quad, to investigate.


"We have sent two civilian police to Xuzhou, Qingdao to investigate the POS machine, the third civilian police to Guangzhou to trace the remittee, finally stayed behind in Nanjing, investigating how a bank card information leaks. "Police said that tracking civilian police quickly gets the handle POS POS machine machine person's identity information.

The investigation, Qingdao POS machines to handle is the owner of a small shop, for POS machines used about the modus operandi of, she knew nothing about. "In fact, she is a victim, through her network to handle a big card, but said you need to go through a POS machine. "The police introduced the woman who believed, with their own identity processing POS machine and send it out, but after that the other did not help it to handle large-value credit card.

Xuzhou POS machine processing, purely for profit. Police, two suspects in special shops of offering false, and then go through the POS machines sold. They sell the POS machines stolen ring and get thousands of Commission. The two men also became the first to arrest two suspects in cases of fraudulent.

Crazy card

In Nanjing, the Panel will be fraudulent bank cards play all the water in recent months, looking for the shadiness.

"In June this year, basalt police have captured Dianbai in Guangdong origin personnel, job waiters in a restaurant, waiting to steal consumer credit card information. "Police introduced project analysis, quarter of a bank card information leakage, probably also in this way.

Sure enough, after than hundreds of credit card records, the police found one of them in a restaurant in xinjiekou. To troubleshoot the restaurant after that, quarter of a consumer that time, restaurant with two waitresses suddenly disappear for a week, even to the wages. Through the tracking of both men, police finally confirmed their true identity is Dianbai woman Xu and Wang. After leaving Nanjing, they will go to Guangzhou, and fraudulent payment withdrawal to coincide.

Meanwhile, the team sped to the Guangzhou police, assisted by local police, through a large number of monitors and finally sketched out a quarter of bank cards stolen brushed that night, crazy night of criminal gang.

"According to our investigations, the night of the murder, gang leaders gathered more than 10 persons to engage in fraudulent, withdrawal. "Police investigators described, in a hotel in Guangzhou, Xu opened two rooms, each room is 3 people, one person is responsible for the credit card, a person responsible for the transfer, another person is responsible for supervision. Meanwhile, in the hotel lobby, and people watch.

Outside the hotel, it is a withdrawal of about 8 people group. The ATM machine they run on the streets of Guangzhou, will be spread across various bank cards stolen money.

"Until 6 in the morning, people busy. After that, they found a restaurant, share. "Police investigators described, at this point, the police found out that the composition of the groups. Guangdong electric white conductor Xu, Wang to go out to apply for the waiter to steal information, he is responsible for the production of duplicate card. The Northeast Yang, Hunan Liu for a certain provision of POS machine, Guangzhou man King Leung in Henan is intermediary, helping Xu looking for POS and cash, and there are also several horses.

A clean sweep

Clearly related to suspects, astonished by have been supervised, waiting for the best time to close the net. "The suspect is very cunning, often around to cities, elusive. "Police investigators described, during the case, police had tracked to Hebei, Hunan and other places. On September 23 at about 6 o'clock in the evening, the Panel confirmed the principal back to Guangzhou, fast attack, captured Xu, Liu and Liang MOU. Upon examination, the three are brought together, it is ready to commit crimes again.

Later, after night watch project in Maoming city to steal credit card information and other 3 people arrested. Meanwhile, clues, police found that a MA Zi Yang of fleeing to Shanghai, coordinated by Shanghai police making an arrest.

The night of September 27, catching the civilian police from Heilongjiang suihua, tracked, and successfully captured the Northeast Yang Changchun, Wang and Ma, and was informed that his accomplices hiding in Changsha, Hunan province. Task force immediately organized to Changsha, both of them caught. At this point, all 12 principal suspects in the case to case. Police also seized laptops, POS machines, copying equipment, bank cards and other instrumentalities, as well as more than 300,000 yuan in cash.

Crime revealed

Upon examination, the confession of his crime after, and to show police the copy card devices. The fraudulent bank card reader device is a black, only the half-horse, with a swipe of the card slots, and a USB interface. When the suspect got the victim's bank card, fast card at the card reader as long as one or two seconds, banking card information is then stored on the card reader. Then they to output the information connected to a computer through the USB interface.

"And a bank card password, they were reading. "The police introduced, victims sometimes suspects are secretly filmed by mobile phone to enter a password, and then through the video identification password. Copy card devices are also quite simple, as long as the bank card information into a computer, by writing software, bank card will do. Account, which copies a set of bank card device costs only thousands of Yuan.

In fact, as early as in mid-August he successfully copied a quarter of bank cards. On August 20, he first test card on the ATM machine, it was discovered that season have so much money on one card. Because the amount is huge, so to "Digest" can't, so he spent a few days plan withdrawals. To this end, he beams, Wang found a big POS machine Yang and Liu, and contacted special teller staff. Of course, the more people participate, it points out more money. According to the account, according to the Division of labour is different, beam a, Wang, Yang and Liu, who receive tens of thousands of Yuan to hundreds of thousands of Yuan. Eventually, remain in the hands of about 1 million Yuan.

Currently, the 12 suspects on suspicion of credit card fraud, has been detained by police, the case is still under investigation.

For this kind of modus operandi, Police reminded members of the public, must be vigilant. The police, recently has been several such cases. Also in August, the bank card in Xuanwu District in Nanjing were copied were fraudulent cases, suspects were also from Dianbai in Guangdong Province. East police after more than a month, has captured many suspects.

Police advise now copy card magnetic stripe card, people can put their hands on the magnetic stripe bank cards replaced a chip card, increase the level of security. Also, while you are out of consumer credit card, try not to use bank card to the waiter to swipe your card, it's easy for criminals to drill a loophole. If you move the card to another person on the POS operation, make sure the credit card in their own sight, lest criminals cheat.

盗刷信用卡254万元的疯狂一夜 - 信用卡,盗刷,POS机 - IT资讯


































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