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published in(发表于) 2016/10/9 13:50:10 Edit(编辑)
Zuckerberg do not sleep for several days: global industry leaders are making work more efficiently,

Zuckerberg do not sleep for several days: global industry leaders are making work more efficiently,(扎克伯格连续几天不睡:全球行业大佬们是这样高效工作的,)



Zuckerberg do not sleep for several days: global industry leaders to work efficiently in a way Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Thomas g-IT information

According to the statistics on Wall Street: people who sleep for 4 hours a day, annual salary of more than 4 million, on the basis of this, 1 hour more, pay will be divided by 4.

When you are in bed so deep, world's highest-earning bosses have already started work ... ...

Jobs up at 4 o'clock, cook up at 4:30, Buffett up at 6:45, Zuckerberg do not sleep for several days is not uncommon. Lei get up at 8 o'clock, Mr Pan Yi up at 6 o'clock, ren Zhiqiang early ... ...

Bosses don't so much love sleep, they know how to make the best use of your time than to work efficiently. The world's highest-earning bosses, each value is one minute are dozens of times or correspondingly greater, how to use better methods to improve the efficiency of work, bosses has their own "secret recipe".

Zuckerberg: tomato working members

Throne of the world's youngest billionaire Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, worth US $ 33.4 billion, works more than 45 hours a week, is a classic workaholic, and efficiency, in order to improve employee productivity, even personally do a PPT to display their efficiency rule.

One of page sharing: work = work-relax-efficient (tomato method)

Tomato method is a popular method of time management in various startups. Use tomato working method, select one of the tasks to be completed, tomato time of 25 minutes, to concentrate on work, and Midway are not allowed to do any thing that has nothing to do with the task, until tomato clock rang, and then draw an x on the paper a short break (5 minutes), every 4 tomatoes rest for a while.

Tim Cook, Apple's Chief Executive, feel free to email

The technology giant famous for getting up early. Apple employees in the early morning, or near the dawn of 4:30 received the email from Tim Cook, and daily.

Jiekeduoxi Twitter founders, one person to manage two companies

He alone to manage two companies: Twitter and square, so every day he has to work at least 16 hours.

Faced with such a complex work that ordinary people might have schizophrenia. However jiekeduoxi is "seemingly" easily, because of his time to the minute, include many elements of work allocated to each day, and the high degree of autonomy strictly in accordance with the plan.

Founder of Tesla ailong·masike: careful was he named the meeting!

There is a cow like jiekeduoxi while managing two companies – ailong·masike, and Jack West difference is, ailong·masike is more like a day focused on a company, and on Tuesday he said Thursday in SpaceX; Wednesday in Tesla to work on Monday; on Friday will have to average points.

Ailong·masike day long like that? look at the picture:

Workaholic musk to their requirements are very strict, and if it roll when you're in a meeting, you have to watch out!

Musk's another employee said: "we are meeting with Andy Herron, are well prepared. Because if you are not ready to work, he will let you know this. If he asks a reasonable question and you are unable to do so, then you pray for blessing. When we met are very efficient, direct access to the main points discussed and all on the basis of the practice. ”

GM CEO: said little after the meeting supplementary memorandum

From in the 1920 of the 20th century to 50, aerfeileide·silong (Alfred Sloan) has been GM's Chief Executive. He has also developed a modern corporate structure.

Follow-up memo is one of the effective tool of Sloan. In a formal meeting, Sloan often simply announced theme, then listen and leave.

Sloan will be made immediately after the meeting short memorandum issued to the participants and summarize the main points discussed at the meeting and conclusions are given. He would set a deadline, and head of the explicitly specified, and the memorandum sent to each person attending. These memoranda make Jerry Sloan as "outstanding and efficient Executive" can also be referred to as common in the 20th century made the key to leading position in the industry.

Bill Gates: living and reading messages, and control

Bill Gates shares his simple way to handle e-mail--a larger three-screen display. His hundreds of messages per day.

A screen displays messages received, a screen displays the message he is dealing with, there is a screen on his computer desktop so that he can handle multiple tasks simultaneously without omission. By focusing each message one by one on a special screen, gates on each reply to allocate appropriate time and effort.

After reading the agenda and working methods of these bosses, felt so poor and surely it makes sense!

扎克伯格连续几天不睡:全球行业大佬们是这样高效工作的 - 扎克伯格,比尔盖茨,马斯克 - IT资讯









苹果公司首席执行官Tim Cook,随时回邮件

这位科技巨擘以早起出名。苹果的员工会在清晨、或者说接近黎明时分的4:30就收到Tim Cook的电子邮件,且每日如此。










从20世纪20年代到50年代,阿尔费雷德·斯隆(Alfred Sloan)一直是通用的首席执行官。他还制订了现代企业结构。







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