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published in(发表于) 2016/10/7 8:14:02 Edit(编辑)
China tour “fly“ free blood donation, Thailand official thanks

China tour “fly“ free blood donation, Thailand official thanks(中国导游“坐飞机”无偿献血,泰国高官登门致谢)



Chinese tour guide "by plane" blood donation Thailand officials thanked | guide | blood donors _ news

Thailand Ministry of tourism and Sports Minister Cogan (right) donated to the Chinese tourists, "Panda blood" Nanjing guide Yang Li presented a souvenir. (Xinhua reporters Li Mang Mang photography)

Cogan (right) Lily worn symbol of Thailand three colors of the national flag bracelet. (Xinhua reporters Li Mang Mang photography)

Group photo of lily and the injured tourists. (Picture provided by Li Yang)

Cogan thanks presented to the lily bracelet, cards and souvenirs. (Picture provided by Li Yang)

Li Yang (left) and the leader of the injured tourists Tangshan guy of Rowling and blood donation. (Picture provided by Li Yang)

Xinhuanet, Beijing, October 6-"the Chinese and Thai peoples are good friends, Yang Li in Thailand for Chinese tourists to give blood, her move sets a good example for everyone. Thailand people appreciate and admire the spirit of sacrifice for others, which is priceless. ”

This is the Thailand Tourism and sport Minister Cogan met at a Bangkok Hotel in Nanjing, China from 5th night guide when Li Yang said in his speech. Cogan said blood donation events occurred in late last month.

On September 22, Li Yang from the circle of friends know, Sichuan, China national tourist in Thailand Phuket operating on wounded in urgent need of rare blood group Rh negative blood. In China, accounted for only 3 per thousand of the total population of Rh negative blood, also known as "Panda". Ourselves of this group Lily and her tours in Bangkok airport terminal ready to return, she immediately leader had made initial contact with the injured tourists.

On September 23, contact the leader again has returned to Nanjing, Yang Li. Leader told her visitors for spinal injuries, not having surgery may result in an inability to walk normally, some enthusiastic people get in touch with them, but after the hospital to verify their "Panda blood" does not match blood types and the injured tourists. Lily immediately buy tickets direct flights to Phuket, local hotels have arrived in Phuket is September 24, at three o'clock in the morning. The afternoon of September 24, Lily for the injured tourists 450 mL of blood donation.

Cogan from Thailand on social media learned that Lily's blood after the deeds were very moved, specially commissioned China Thailand Embassy contact help Lily. Embassy Security Department of the Nanjing Tourism Bureau contacted Yang Li Nanjing Mandarin international tours, learned that Lily brings tours to Bangkok during the national day travel.

October 5 at 7 o'clock in the evening local time, just after the meeting, Cogan traveled to Lily's hotel to see her and thank her. Cogan affectionately holding Lily's hand, and thanks to her, for her to wear a symbol of Thailand flag black bracelets, and thank-you card and hand-woven scarves and other souvenirs presented to her.

Cogan on the thank-you card wrote: "Dear Lily Lady, thank you very much good with their paid for Chinese tourists in the Thai, I, on behalf of Thailand Government to honour you sincerely! ”

Yang Li to thank Phil Cogan, she said: "it's what I'm supposed to do, to help others, very happy! ”

Subsequently, Cogan, and Yang Li told Xinhua in an interview. Cogan said, though lily is donation for Chinese tourists, as Thailand Minister, she was deeply moved, and said that was the beginning of that paragraph.

Yang Li in an interview, is more in the introduction of others. She said that due to a total of 1200 milliliters of blood, in a total of three Chinese blood donors, including her. She knew one of the Tangshan people, in known message from Shenzhen rushed to Phuket. Li Yang said that through this experience, she met a more loving person. She said injured tourists is a kindly aunt, repeatedly expressed thanks to the people who helped her.

Thai Office of the China National Tourism Administration, said Zhang xinhong, Director, Lily love show the tour of China's style and sensibility, this helpful spirit is worth promoting.

Lily said, she returned in late September, was awarded Nanjing tourist board awarded "best tour", and attracted local press attention, now get Thailand concerned attention, it's all in the unexpected. Cogan Gifts Souvenirs make her feel very intimate.

"I also need blood of childbirth surgery, blood donation is also a good one for me at that time and did not leave a name, today I did was a cinch, want to continue to pass from person to person," Lily said. (Reporter Li Ying, Li Mang Mang, reported Xinhua international client)

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Guide to give blood

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中国导游“坐飞机”无偿献血 泰国高官登门致谢|导游|献血_新闻资讯






  新华网北京10月6日电 “中泰两国人民是好朋友,杨莉为在泰国旅游的中国游客献血,她的举动为大家树立了一个好榜样。泰国人欣赏和钦佩这种为他人奉献的精神,这种精神是无价的。”













责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

导游 献血


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