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published in(发表于) 2016/10/6 6:05:49 Edit(编辑)
Multinational companies in China will be hard to find: English level threshold

Multinational companies in China will be hard to find: English level threshold(跨国公司在中国一将难求:英语水平成门槛,)



Multinational companies in China will be hard to find: English level threshold-multinational corporations-IT information

Beijing time on October 6, according to foreign media reports, in the global high-tech war for talent in China, foreign Internet companies lose. Once upon a time, in a United States work on the part of the Chinese Internet giant has considerable allure. But now, even some of the best-known Internet companies have been difficult to attract top talent.

Ranked among the most overvalued startups service Airbnb has said about a year ago, it introduced a new Chinese investors, part of the objective is to help its China operations, recruiting a Chief Executive Officer. According to news sources, Airbnb and not being able to recruit zhongyi, Chief Executive of China.

Uber futile employment of over 2 years ' time China takes charge. 2 months ago, Uber sold its China business to drop, obtained 20% shares which, largely abandoned to the Chinese market.

Difficulties in recruiting to the capable leaders, foreign Internet companies in China's troublesome symptoms, but also "causes". Visionary industry executives often on foreign Internet companies shied away from it, because they felt these companies succeed in China--the lack of talent, made it difficult for foreign Internet companies succeed in the Chinese market.

Innovation works Chairman, Kai-Fu Lee, "said multinational Internet company in China's success was close to zero. Successful track record in the past talent why take the risk of accepting positions with zero chance of success? It is not worth it. "Google China Kai-Fu Lee in the 2005-2009 period leadership business.

Google has become the bad example of other companies: not willing to abide by China's laws and regulations, 2010 Google shut down most business in the Mainland. Other companies, including Yahoo, eBay and Amazon, have attempted to exploit China's large and fast-growing Internet user base income, but are unable to adapt to China's unique culture of consumption, competition and regulatory environment.

Former executive search firm Egon Zehnder Shanghai partner Bill Jean (Bill King) said, "I always encourage candidates, they could be the first real success, becoming a model. Some companies ' ability to recruit extraordinary leaders, but they eventually left. ”

There are exceptions, of course. Since it entered the market in 2014, quite successful professional networking site LinkedIn. Observers due in part to the success of LinkedIn's China operations, reduced to hire Google China executives Shen Boyang, President of China. Shen Boyang said that compared with other multinationals, LinkedIn gives him greater autonomy.

2014 to enter the Chinese market, Uber had high hopes. Taxi services market is still virgin land to be reclaimed, founder of Uber telaweisi·kalannike (Travis Kalanick) demonstrate the desire and determination to succeed in the Chinese market. Some people in the industry believe that success in the Chinese market will give advantage to Uber.

In 2015, kalannike more than one-fifth time in China, refer to China as the most important market in the world, and spent more than $ 1 billion with a competition to the last drop. Even so, the business sold to China before travelling to the last drop, Uber not to hire Chinese business leader.

Airbnb said that China is the fastest growing outbound market, since 2008, 3.5 million visitors have used its services. But this is only the Chinese market opportunities in the bucket, according to government data in 2015, leaving more than 120 million people.

Airbnb in Chinese competitors including ctrip and the way home network – its business model is more suitable for Chinese consumers.

These challenges make strong leadership even more essential. People familiar with the matter said, Uber, and Airbnb has approached candidates, but most people are not interested in. People familiar with the matter said, some candidates do not meet company requirements, especially in English.

Airbnb and Uber not to comment.

Due to has high requirements for English, room for foreign companies in the area of personnel selection is relatively small. Even among the eligible population, many people working for Chinese companies, so that they can be closer to the decision-making centre. Jin said, "compared with the became a member of the global leadership team, top Chinese are more willing to start their own businesses or manage their own business, they prefer to make their own decisions instead of waiting for higher approval. ”

Sources said, Uber and Airbnb is a candidate has been approached by haoyu Shen. He was in the United States express for 6 years from 2007 Baidu chief operating officer, 2011 join East of Beijing.

Haoyu Shen did not comment on Uber and Airbnb had contact with him. But he said he enjoyed working in China, partly because the decision-making process is very simple, "I can go straight through the lobby, fast communication with the founder, and then 5 minutes later started the implementation of decisions". He said that although foreign Internet companies want to give ownership of the local team, but their complex reporting procedure, unfamiliar cultural exercise that autonomy against a local team, for multinational companies, "is not always the most important market in China."

跨国公司在中国一将难求:英语水平成门槛 - 跨国公司 - IT资讯







曾担任猎头公司Egon Zehnder上海分部合伙人的比尔·金(Bill King)说,“我经常鼓励候选人,他们可能成为真正获得成功的第一人,成为典范。有些公司招聘到能力不凡的领导人,但他们最终都离职了。”


2014年进入中国市场时,Uber曾寄予厚望。打车服务市场还是有待开垦的处女地,Uber创始人特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)表现出了在中国市场获得成功的欲望和决心。部分业界人士认为,在中国市场获得成功将使Uber获得优势。









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