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published in(发表于) 2016/10/6 6:04:28 Edit(编辑)
“Along the way“ a three-year cooperation and win-win

“Along the way“ a three-year cooperation and win-win(“一带一路”三年:合作共赢)



"Along the way" a three-year cooperation and win-win

XI Jinping pointed out: "along the way" construction must adhere to the States to explore, build, share. "Along the way" initiative for three years, the longest span in the world, the most promising cooperation, embodies the aspiration of the countries with the biggest consensus, agreement of countries along the most urgent economic upgrades will, shows China's sincerity to promote common development of all countries, as well as interpretation of the new China in international relations as win-win cooperation.

5th, connected by a construction of Chinese Enterprise Ethiopia and Djibouti both capitals of achish rail was formally opened, this is the first modern electrified railways in Africa.

Djibouti citizens participating in the opening ceremony: we are waiting for the opening of this day for a long time, the old railway is a product of the past, now we have a new railway.

And achish Rail Mei Saile local staff: after the opening of this railway will greatly shorten the time from Ethiopia to Djibouti, would be good for my future, the future of the country.

And achish rail links to important city Adama, Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa, the end is the capital of Djibouti, Djibouti City, 752.7 km, the design speed of 120 km, with a total investment of about 4 billion dollars. And achish rail, from Addis Ababa to Djibouti's 7 days transit time from the current road transport reduced to 10 hours. While the size and resources of Djibouti, will also usher in new opportunities.

President Guelleh of Djibouti: the railway for all of us, for our economic development, the region and Africa's trade is very important. "Along the way" scenario, the idea was great, so many "along the way" on the national development, and better integration and China's economic development.

Director of the national development and Reform Commission, to advance "along the way" construction leading Group Office, Xu shaoshi: now we are together with Ethiopia to discuss cooperation to promote infrastructure and capacity. This big transport corridors into economic corridors.

Achish rail from financing, operation management, maintenance of technical standards used Chinese standards, this also marked the opening of the railway in China railway industry chain for the first time "go". First-class technology, stable performance, and sophisticated management systems as well as high performance advantage for China railway influence gradually expanded overseas. Chinese enterprises to participate in the construction of Kenya and Mongolia railway coastal railway project, the Benguela railway in Angola, Nigeria, have adopted Chinese standards.

Not only the railway, in three years, a group of influential flagship programs and gradually landed. "Along the way" build from scratch, from point and area, progress and results beyond expectations. Mongolia and Russia in the economic corridor development plan completed and signed, to achieve a "along the way" the first economic corridor, the first multilateral planning an important breakthrough; Economic Corridor early achievements, cooperation contract amount of nearly US $ 46 billion; from Kashgar in the North, South to the port of gwadar Highway, railway and port construction and major projects launched.

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director of the Centre for strategic studies Benjamin Liu worked: including Kazakhstan's "shining path" the butt with Mongolia's "Prairie road" docking with Russia of the docking of the Eurasian transport corridor, including with Pakistan "2050" vision of the docking, the docking is done more quickly.

At present, "along the way" major project reserves have reached more than more than 1400, 100 countries and institutions have responded "along the way" construction of China with more than 30 countries signed a "along the way" Memorandum on cooperation in construction, and more than 20 countries international cooperation capacity. Cooperation between China and related countries built over more than 50 overseas trade and economic cooperation zones, including white industrial park, Thai-Chinese Rayong industrial park, integrated industrial parks in Indonesia, made effective progress, overseas economic and trade cooperation zones become a Chinese Enterprise cluster going out, promote cooperation with the relevant national capacity and international equipment manufacturing major carriers.

In Cambodia, by four home from China Wuxi of private enterprise and Cambodia international investment development group limited cooperation construction of West Hong Kong SAR, has became Cambodia maximum of industrial park, over 100 home from China, and United States, and Japan, and France of enterprise settled starts, for local 13,000 people of provides has employment post, now local township of per capita income from years Qian of 400 dollars rose to has 1000 dollars.

Qi Shaokun, Governor of Sihanoukville province: Western Province, is the engine of economic development in Cambodia, while the West of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is the Western Province motor, thanks to China's strategy all the way along, gave us the opportunity.

Latest statistics show that China "along the way" relevant countries invested US $ 51.1 billion, 12% per cent of total foreign direct investment in the same period, along with the country's newly signed contract 12,500, a total contract amount of $ 279 billion. "Along the way" is working with China's deepening reform process each other, benefiting people along at the same time, led to more robust development in China.

(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-10-06 11:20:35




  亚吉铁路当地员工 梅塞乐:这条铁路开通后,将大大缩短从埃塞到吉布提的时间,对我的未来、国家的未来都有好处。


  吉布提总统 盖莱:这条铁路对于我们,对于我们的经济、发展、本地区及非洲的贸易都非常重要。“一带一路”的设想,这个创意棒极了,使得许多位于“一带一路”上的国家得到发展,并与中国的经济发展更好融合。

  国家发展改革委主任 、推进“一带一路”建设领导小组办公室主任 徐绍史:现在我们正在跟埃塞俄比亚共同商量,来推进基础设施和产能合作。就把这条大的运输通道变成大的经济走廊。



  中科院一带一路战略研究中心主任 刘卫东:包括我们跟哈萨克斯坦的“光明之路”的对接,跟蒙古国的“草原之路”对接,跟俄罗斯的欧亚运输大通道的对接,包括跟巴基斯坦的“2050”愿景的对接,这种对接还是做得比较快。



  西哈努克省前省长 戚少坤:西港省是整个柬埔寨经济发展的火车头,而西港特区就是西港省的发动机,非常感谢中国的一带一路战略,给我们带来的发展契机。


(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-10-06 11:20:35

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