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published in(发表于) 2016/10/2 12:37:11 Edit(编辑)
Super concepts of unmanned aerial vehicles and electric cars: the walls,

Super concepts of unmanned aerial vehicles and electric cars: the walls,(无人机和电动车的超概念结合:可飞檐走壁,)



Super concepts of unmanned aerial vehicles and electric cars: the walls-drone, electric vehicle-IT information

Last December, Disney Research (Institute for Disney) and ETH (Switzerland Zurich Federal Polytechnic Institute) researchers developed a ground vehicle and combination of UAV programmes, VertiGo and launched a prototype machine, this machine not only can drive on land, but also able to climb walls with the power of vehicle-mounted rotor.

The machine has four wheels, above the frame with two rotors, the two rotors can output enough power on the wall, it can be said is a new concept in UAV (click here to watch the video, this video from the network).

Recently, the mechanical engineer Charles Bombardier, VertiGo was developed on the basis of a new concept car, the car is called Ventooz, from shape to works with VertiGo looks somewhat similar, but the difference is, this car is manned.

Ventooz concept cars

According to Bombardier introduced Ventooz can carry a person's weight is stable on the wall, it can be applied to a variety of uses, such as staff drove the Ventooz skyscraper on the outside to repair these buildings, inspection of large dams, threatening in case of emergency, and so on. Of course, apart from these, Ventooz can also be used for entertainment purposes, such as in parks or playgrounds built a similar experience, allowing visitors to experience the feeling of vertical drive.

It is understood that Ventooz works seem not very complicated, with Disney's VertiGo and some similar and different. Ventooz on four wheels studded with sucker-like things (although ugly, obsessive compulsive disorder, intensive look may not be used in patients with phobias), like an Octopus, can increase the car itself of wall friction and adhesion.

Ventooz concept cars

Body before and after the two turbines, there is a group inside the turbine rotor-wing, providing up to reasoning and let it fit tightly to the wall. Both machines will use an electric motor four wheel and Turbo, and uses a hydrogen fuel cell powered car range of the machine more powerful.

Ventooz concept cars

Just said has, this two machine car maximum of features is can manned, so in machine car Central has a recessed to of cockpit, operation way also not special complex, also no used traditional of steering wheel type of vehicles control way, operator just to sat in driving seat Shang, through left side of two a manipulation rod to control machine car of wheels and Turbo, keep vehicles overall azimuth of mobile.

Ventooz concept car presented by Charles Bombardier, said in the concept of Ventooz has a lot of redundant parts, manufactured this car may now not the same, the final parameter configuration will depend on the vehicle's available power, scenario, endurance and maneuverability, and so on.

Charles Bombardier is Canada Valcourt, a mechanical engineer and investor, the famous who established nonprofit agencies, the site's goal is to "inspire the next generation to create the future transportation."

Bombardier and he of had proposed had many Super concept of project, like Solar Express space train, this two train highest speed can up each seconds 3000 km, only need 37 hours on can will human or Mars sent Shang space; also has Lei Feng network (search "Lei Feng network" public, concern) had reported had of a paragraph shape similar Yu UFO of fire no machine, can with Sonic for fire and so on.

Ultrasonic fire UAV concept products

Although the project is still in the conceptual stage, but these concepts are the prospects for the future and expectations. This Ventooz seems to be higher than the first two mentioned the concept of more reliable and more practical, the drones and vehicles combined with the emergence of new concepts, to make up for the gaps in many areas of application, if it can be achieved, it is a good thing for many industries.

无人机和电动车的超概念结合:可飞檐走壁 - 无人机,电动汽车 - IT资讯

去年12月份,Disney Research(迪士尼研究院)和ETH(瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院)的研究员们共同开发了一个地面车和无人机相结合的方案,并推出了原型机VertiGo,这个机器不但能够在陆地上行驶,还能够借助车载旋翼的力量进行爬墙。


近日,机械工程师Charles Bombardier,在VertiGo的基础上研发了一个新的概念车,这款车名为Ventooz,从外形到工作原理看上去都跟VertiGo有些相似,但不同的是,这款动力车是可以载人的。








Ventooz概念车的提出者Charles Bombardier表示,在Ventooz的概念中有很多冗余的部分,等这辆车制造出来可能会跟现在不太一样,最终的参数配置将取决于车辆的可用功率、应用场景、续航以及可操作性等等。

Charles Bombardier是加拿大瓦尔古的一位机械工程师兼投资人,著名的非盈利机构 Imaginactive.org就是他创立的,该网站的目标就是“启发下一代人创造未来交通方式”。

Bombardier以及他的Imaginactive.org曾经提出过很多超概念的项目,比如Solar Express太空列车,这两列车最高速度可达每秒3000公里,只需要37个小时就可以将人类或者火星送上太空;还有雷锋网(搜索“雷锋网”公众号关注)曾经报道过的一款外形类似于飞碟的消防无人机,可以用声波进行灭火等等。



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