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published in(发表于) 2016/10/2 12:37:05 Edit(编辑)
Originator live Meerkat declared dead, domestic prosperity,

Originator live Meerkat declared dead, domestic prosperity,(直播鼻祖Meerkat宣布死亡,中国国内却一片繁荣,)



Originator live Meerkat declared dead, China's domestic boom-live, live-IT information

Do you remember Meerkat?

In 2015 the birth star of the South by Southwest Music Festival, running after 1.5 years, was officially declared closed.

In the United States on September 30, the Meerkat Ben Rubin, founder of company Life On Ai on Twitter official announced that the Meerkat has been officially App Store shelves. Company team has disbanded, the next will focus on new product Houseparty.

Houseparty is a team's video chat application for months. According to reports of The Verge, this Houseparty already has 1 million users now. Meerkat's Twitter account has been updated now to private mode, official website is also directed to the Houseparty home page.

Meerkat has been was as video live territories of originator, it as last year top of Star products, in Southwest partial South birth of when on has many media touted this paragraph products for "the next big thing", but actually he in App Store of performance has been not is bright eye, as a paragraph was as phenomenon level of products, he of in App Store of ranking highest also just 17th name (too honest, actually not brush list), in topic past, other of live application and its competition , And natural wastage, such as reason, Meerkat's ranking plummeted.

In March this year, Meerkat has announced that mobile phone broadcast did not develop as expected, while the company is facing strong competitive pressures of technology giants such as Facebook and Twitter, and decided to give up live video social networking business. But even backed by Twitter's Periscope was now wandering in the App Store for twenty or thirty, Meerkat close the root cause, is live video do not attract (foreign) users.

Ben Rubin said in reply to TechCrunch's message:

We believe that a one to many broadcast did not break out, become daily habits of users, user is still very far away now.

Turning to China is another story, imitating the Meerkat born live application is the Internet's most popular products on the market this year, they won the most big investors to invest, gave birth to the "reticulocyte economy", creating a social phenomenon. But now the camera is not in the "outlet", which a number of live product before all have lost favor capital proved its profitability. Long China App Store social live video of the top application mapping in 2015, only 1.6728 million yuan in net profit. Although little profit, but has one of the live platform is one of the few to turn a profit.

China has for a long time "show culture", this type of broadcast has been tested, is a sustainable and profitable models. But is full of most beautiful women on the air daily on the phone live, has no content, no features, up and down sliding out each beautiful face was the same person. This universal broadcast of live daily life can go on, the need to make a question mark. Think of our own, and how many people curious to download several video-streaming applications, now delete it?

Domestic video market in China are booming now, don't know when the boom collapsed.

直播鼻祖Meerkat宣布死亡,中国国内却一片繁荣 - 网络直播,直播 - IT资讯



在美国时间的9月30号,Meerkat所属公司Life On Ai的创始人Ben Rubin在Twitter上正式宣布,Meerkat已经正式在App Store下架。公司团队没有解散,接下来会把精力集中到新产品Houseparty上。

Houseparty是团队研发数月的多人视频聊天应用。根据The Verge的报道,现在这款Houseparty已经拥有了一百万的用户。现在Meerkat的Twitter账号已经更新为私人模式,官方网站也定向到了Houseparty主页。

Meerkat一直被誉为视频直播界的鼻祖,它作为去年最热门的明星产品,在西南偏南诞生的时候就有许多媒体吹捧这款产品为“the next big thing”,但实际上他在App Store的表现一直不算亮眼,作为一款被誉为现象级的产品,他的在App Store的排名最高也只是第17名(太老实,居然不刷榜),在话题过去,其他的直播应用与其竞争,和自然流失等原因下,Meerkat的排名直线下降。

在今年3月份,Meerkat就曾宣布,由于手机直播并没有如预期发展,同时公司面临着Twitter和 Facebook 等科技巨头的强大竞争压力,决定放弃直播视频社交网络业务。但即使是背靠Twitter的Periscope现在也只是在App Store的二三十名徘徊,Meerkat关闭的根本原因,是视频直播吸引不了(国外)用户。

Ben Rubin在回复TechCrunch的邮件中表示:


反观中国则是另一番景象,模仿Meerkat诞生的直播应用们是今年互联网市场上的最火的产品,他们拿下了投资者最大手笔的投资,催生了“网红经济”,制造了社会现象。但现在的视频直播已经不处于“风口”了,这一批直播产品全都得在失去资本青睐前,证明自己的盈利能力。长期占据中国区App Store社交排行榜首位的视频直播应用映客,在2015年的净利润仅为167.28万元。虽然利润极少,但是已经是为数不多能实现盈利的直播平台之一了。



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