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published in(发表于) 2016/9/29 14:15:48 Edit(编辑)
Yao faces in Africa and the Middle East burst fire, responded: never do not care,

Yao faces in Africa and the Middle East burst fire, responded: never do not care,(姚明表情包在非洲与中东爆火,回应:从来不用不关心,)



Yao faces in Africa and the Middle East burst fire, responded: never do not care-Yao, expression-IT information

In your daily life, is not it also used this expression?

Yeah, that's right! This is our "Hall of Fame" basketball player Yao Ming. Yao Ming this "runaway comic" expression has fire in China for several years, but in fact, dayao fire long ago to Africa and the Middle East.

On September 29, according to the Twitter user @ broke the tuberose, Yao's face had already reached Egypt in Luxor. Local guides say Yao Ming is a popular expression here, although many people do not know who this person is, but just thought it was funny. And the text on the label is: do not reverse .

▲ Yao faces fire to Luxor

"Yao Ming囧 face" to seize Egypt newspaper

In fact, Yao Egypt fire for a long time, although they did not know he was playing basketball.

According to the observer network said on May 8 this year, Twitter authentication for Xinhua News Agency, foreign experts friend @ Egypt Mu Xiaolong had sent similar pictures, called "Yao Ming in Egypt on line".

On November 1, 2013, on the issue of the globe magazine published such an article:

Who would have thought, "Yao Ming囧 face" not only widespread in China, Egypt, and Iraq, Palestine, the Arab world is deeply rooted, become the preferred netizens published humor story illustrations or chat expression.

Egypt Street, stopped a man asked: "do you know who he is? "Ten other shook his head, bewildered.

However, If you took out a piece of the Egypt news, turn to "a quiet place he (Serious but funny)" column, pointing to the striking Logo and then asked: "do you know this man? "The other side must realize, nodded:" knowing and understanding! The picture of ' funny face in China (Chinese funny face) ' ! ”

Initially, is a social networking site "Facebook (Facebook)" number of registered accounts in Arabic, published outspoken, sarcastic banter of fast quick, "Yao Ming囧 face" as the account picture or illustration. Soon, the Internet young people started fighting for the use of this image, and this "embarrassing face" comedy full of praise.

It is interesting, whether in Egypt, or in Palestine, many people do not know this face belong to who. Some people only know that he is Chinese, and some people only know him to be a sports star, but very few people can say his name: Yao Ming .

▲ Yao look real

Egypt news reporter Chaaraoui still remember the "Yao Ming囧 face" into the moment of this newspaper.

About a year ago, the new editor in Chief, magedi·kebu walked into the Office, say a new idea to colleagues, "look at the Internet, young people are talking about interesting things. Why don't we add a humorous column about? Column identifies with the ' funny face in China '! ”

Colleagues agree. Thus, "a quiet place he" began to appear in the column that was born in 1880 in Egypt on the English-language newspaper, "Yao Ming囧 face" has officially become a member of this newspaper, appeared on the front page every day and on the joke page.

Yao Ming: I phone without expression

For the expression becomes famous online, he has repeatedly said in public "can give you some joy, but also very good. My watch got used to it. ”

In 2014, interview with the Dutch sports, Yao first out of critical diffuse sources of expression.

Yao said that "rockets in the 2009 Western semi-final game, Artest (CI WPI) in order to save the ball and fell into the audience, asked how he felt after the game. ”

"In fact, this problem and I did not, but Ron said: ' audience I've had, they gave me a glass of beer, which just brought me (Ron Artest he then rushed into the audience and fans at the Auburn Hills Palace fight each other). ”

Hearing such humorous response, then Yao Ming showed this classic look.

In May 2016, the Yao Foundation "" dream Act "public welfare activities, Yao was asked to face problems.

"Do not expect the unexpected expression of popular will give you so much fun, this is what I would like to see. Never thought (located in the micro-expression) paid-for downloads, if such a model can make contributions to charity, I think not only me, everyone should support. ”

In July 2016, Yao responded once again to their attitude to expression.

Yao said in an interview with the Beijing times, to spread his various friends, he would have been informed. "I think I can Bo Le, also pretty good. ”

However, Yao said, " my phone without any expression, I don't really care . ”

姚明表情包在非洲与中东爆火,回应:从来不用不关心 - 姚明,表情 - IT资讯











不过,若是掏出一张《埃及新闻报》,翻到“幽他一默(Serious but funny)”栏目,指着醒目的Logo再问:“认识这个人吗?”对方保准恍然大悟,连连点头:“认识,认识!就是那张‘滑稽中国脸(Chinese funny face)’嘛!”


















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