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published in(发表于) 2016/9/28 13:04:22 Edit(编辑)
Microsoft Cortana engineers: throw away the keyboard, it should become obsolete,

Microsoft Cortana engineers: throw away the keyboard, it should become obsolete,(微软小娜工程师:扔掉键盘,它早该过时,)



Microsoft Cortana engineers: throw away the keyboard, it's already obsolete-Cortana, Cortana, the robot-IT information

IT information news on September 28, Microsoft Cortana engineer Dave Coplin EveningStandard an interview recently, he shares some views for future input and robot.

Dave Coplin says, the traditional keyboard will be abandoned at some point in the future, instead of the voice input, gestures, and facial recognition. He believes that our computers are already very advanced, but the way we use have lagged behind.

Robots, Dave Coplin says Microsoft has carried out research and development work. Dave Coplin that robots will become a very important part of human life in the future, they can replace humans in a lot of work, not only that, efficiency and quality will be greatly enhanced.

Robots in the future will be very human, and Dave Coplin thinks this is a good thing, this means that the robot behavior in many ways very similar to humans.

On the development of robots and artificial intelligence, there have been two schools of thought, one is optimistic, that the future human beings will use robots for more efficient productivity; another idea, some caution, they think that robots will at some point in time after the reverse effect on the development of human and artificial intelligence will be the masters of the Earth. Then what exactly do you think the advancement of artificial intelligence in the future?

微软小娜工程师:扔掉键盘,它早该过时 - 小娜,Cortana,机器人 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 9月28日消息,微软小娜工程师Dave Coplin最近接受了EveningStandard的采访,他分享了对于未来输入方式和机器人的一些看法。

Dave Coplin表示,传统的键盘将在未来某个时间点被抛弃,取而代之的是语音输入、手势操作和面部识别。他认为我们的计算机已经非常先进,然而我们使用的方式却十分落后。

就机器人方面,Dave Coplin称微软已经进行研发工作。Dave Coplin认为机器人将在未来成为人类生活中非常重要的一部分,它们能够代替人类开展许多工作,不仅如此,工作效率和质量也将大大提升。

机器人在未来将非常了解人类,而Dave Coplin认为这是件好事,这意味着机器人在许多方面的举止将与人类非常相似。


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