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published in(发表于) 2016/9/25 19:42:42 Edit(编辑)
Study: China-made mobile phones freely is maker gene is bound to

Study: China-made mobile phones freely is maker gene is bound to(研究:中国国产手机百花齐放,是厂商基因注定)



Study: China-made mobile phones freely is doomed-China-made mobile phones manufacturers gene, brand, Huawei, millet-IT information

After entering September, domestic mobile phone manufacturers are mad again. In glory and beauty are busy at fashion week "show" when OPPO, VIVO started to promote its brand philosophy, millet for the upcoming new products more publicity, even the hammer, but also because of possible acquisitions to become the focus.

In fact, in one round of shuffling and after the playoffs, regardless of sales volume is on occupied line of giant, is small, two or three lines of beauty brands, found a temporary "home". OPPO and representatives of the vivo with roots in offline channels, a symbol of China's Huawei's main innovation power "technology licensing", often known for their ecological and launches, as well as in the "self-timer" Mito do vertical business in the field.

Ultimately, the relationship between this phenomenon and the market is no more, but the essence is still the brand combined with the advantages of a differentiated operational decisions .

Brand differentiation of the market structure changes

Smartphones in the China market, "first year" about in 2011, shipments have jumped from 118 million to 430 million last year. But in just five years, the pattern of domestic mobile phone market has repeatedly changed from the original Chinese camp to Internet brands, led by millet, and now sales myths created by OPPO and vivo. The reason, also dating back to the phone manufacturer's operating policies.

From the brand, well-known brands seem to be divided into three categories, OPPO, VIVO as a representative of invisible giant, Huawei, millet represented by goods and hammers, Mito mobile vertical, "feelings" brand. Not difficult to find, three categories of mobile phone brands have different operating styles.

OPPO and VIVO in 2016 the domestic mobile phone market leader in self-contained lines operate in addition to arts and celebrity endorsements of highly skilled, bring it online under extremely high brand awareness, and won two or three lines more than half of the city's shares below the line. Looking back at Huawei Technologies, as well as in sales and millet, which through a series of marketing gives "innovators" image and national pride in some people's minds, which also begins with "new goods" such as marketing to stimulate consumer, or as a result of independent innovation of China's domestic brands are dedicated consumers, choice or millet or Huawei. In contrast, the hammers and Mito, giving a "small is beautiful" feeling. Hammer, more sensational, early attracted a large number of "hammer powder", Mito in favor of vertical group, only on "beauty camera" and you'll gain some loyal users.

Clarifies this relationship it is easier to understand Mobile brand marketing motives, such as Wen Chu referred to the fashion week debut, glory may be in order to enhance their influence in the younger age groups, and may be looking for similarities between the self portrait and fashion, frankly speaking is decided by the operations strategy.

Why is brand differentiation?

When the price of some mobile phone brand into an endless war, industry ridicule most of homogenization of China-made mobile phones, and all some tips how to make a differentiation of the brand, but some manufacturers made a lot of efforts are still not out of the quagmire of a price war . Frankly speaking, brand operations can form a differentiated or genetically determined.

To focus on the genetic level, maybe someone will think that exaggerated, we might as well from two different genes to compare mobile phone brand.

First gene technology. Even China's domestic mobile phone manufacturers in terms of patents accumulated short Board to ridicule, make a breakthrough mobile phone brand in the long quest has formed its own gene technology. Examples of this are many, such as the OPPO relies on Flash technology-filled comeback, advantage in the field of communication is popular with the business crowd favorite Huawei. It is called a gene, because the technical level there are giant could not shake the potential factor.

Self is a very realistic example. Counting the current Internet applications, usually with a self-timer inextricably linked, whether micro-credit, micro-blogging, "Sun-self portrait" core network, or broadcast and other new rules of the game. Mobile phone manufacturers have realized the importance of self, OPPO has long begun to beauty as a selling point, Huawei, Meizu, TV plus in beauty, Lenovo and other manufacturers also began work on camera. Just released iPhone7 tilting, upgraded to 7 million pixels of the front-facing camera. Result, the 80% user is not to rely on own facial features, instead, beauty, beauty camera become the popular app store. Perhaps precisely because of this reason, started with Mito Mito companies also appear in the mobile phone market, and its products, except in the mobile camera configuration on walk in the forefront of similar products, years of beauty technology became a visible advantage.

Gene followed by brand. Deep in technology is the performance of the industry and market, and the brand is feedback to the mobile phone manufacturers in the market. Psychologists have a term called "primary effect", the sides to form a first impression of relationships has a significant impact on the future. Mobile phone brands, consumer brand impressions or can call brand DNA.

Brand DNA is a two-edged sword, which can help in specific areas to take advantage of a brand, also has the potential to drag down the horizontal development of the brand . Millet is a classic example of early cost-effective strategies for millet brought a 45 billion-dollar valuations, and lucky enough to become the first mobile phone brand. But when the Internet outlet, when channels become fresh air, both in reputation and in sales, millet, both fell into a low, leading OPPO and vivo with a strong channel genes catching up. In addition, cling to the vertical cell phone brands brand gene also had an unexpected effect. Such as Mito prospectus shows that mobile phones gross margin rates as high as 300 yuan, such high profit margins in the domestic mobile phone market has become the Red Sea into a "surprise".

If you can break the genetic, copying other people's genetic advantage?

Millet appears, then "cool China" four giants to imitate, and shout out "to fight millet millet" slogan truly alive in the end only the glory of Huawei. OPPO and vivo's line policy achievements, the mobile phone brand, including millet and strong suit. Channels can spend establishing, marketing can learn from, but genetic advantage to replication?

The answer does not seem optimistic. Then copy of millet's resurgence, cool, Lenovo has disappeared in the sales of the top five list, or even be acquired next. And those who try to copy the OPPO and vivo ending it is not hard to imagine, a so-called offline channels is not just money for building online stores, or in the hands of Dixon, GOME, one or two counters, both the OPPO and vivo, regional management online market, or even two or three provinces will be an agent. Stores under the effect of these agents is not just administrative line distribution also includes the training of sales personnel and cultural indoctrination. Just imagine, do more advertising on the Internet can really do more than articulate below the line sales promotion girl? This is by no means in the short term to be able to copy to.

Perhaps best illustrates this point is China's domestic mobile phone manufacturers generally copy "Apple style" phenomenon. When Cook times iPhone brings rose gold, deep space while waiting for the new color scheme grey, domestic mobile phone manufacturers rushing, from the appearance of the color to the designs have become the object of imitation. Perhaps iPhone7 shiny black will soon become the new trend in the domestic mobile phone market . However, there is no manufacturers played to their advantage because of copying genes, even the features are not. Way most mobile phones are equipped with quick charge feature, it is difficult to "charge for five minutes, calling a two-hour" people, traditional phone plus facial modules are difficult to impress consumers like Mito mobile, this is the genetic advantage limited effect.

Causes of unique advantages of mobile phone manufacturers can use the brand positioning and explained the first effect. Even an emerging brand will have the first effect, smart companies will through practical investigations to study what is the user's first impression, early based on brand positioning and impact the user's original impression or brand positioning based on first impressions. When the brand positioning and the first effect of time would cause tipping point, which formed its own unique advantages, millet cost advantages are in the early, Huawei's technical advantages as well. More broadly speaking, online stores and brands showing the achievements of the OPPO and vivo line advantage, accumulated for a long time in terms of facial picture phone is doomed to self-superiority. Undeniable is that found in the long-term exploration of successful mobile phone brand brand positioning and balance between user stereotypes, and thus determines the operating strategy of differentiation.


In the face of saturated domestic mobile phone market, mobile phone manufacturers might want to ponder this question: time and time again to call the outlet in the areas where they are not good at "host computer", why not name brand extended differentiation in gene, to avoid unnecessary competition. After all, this is a "left is King" of the era.

研究:中国国产手机百花齐放,是厂商基因注定 - 中国国产手机,品牌,华为,小米 - IT资讯























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