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published in(发表于) 2016/9/24 16:19:05 Edit(编辑)
United Kingdom newspapers with the latest World University Rankings Oxford tops, Peking University and Tsinghua University rankings,

United Kingdom newspapers with the latest World University Rankings Oxford tops, Peking University and Tsinghua University rankings,(英国报纸发布最新世界大学排行榜:牛津居首,北大清华排名上升,)



United Kingdom newspapers with the latest World University Rankings Oxford tops, Peking University and Tsinghua University ranking-rankings-IT information

Xinhua News Agency, London, September 21 United Kingdom 2016-17 was released on 21st of the times higher education world university rankings, United Kingdom replaced Oxford United States California Institute of technology ranked first, ending the United States monopolize the top universities for 12 consecutive years of history. Peking University and Tsinghua University, China entered the top 50.

Information: Oxford University

Ranking, the top eight universities are from Britain and the United States, the first three followed by Oxford University, the California Institute of technology and Stanford University. United States universities continue to dominate, 7 seats in the top 10, top 20 per cent of 16 seats.

In this list of the world's 980 290 University University includes Asia, including 19 Asian universities in the top 200, 4 more than last year. Asia ranked first in the Singapore National University ranks 24th in the world.

Mainland China a total of 52 universities in the ranking, of which 14 are listed for the first time, 4 universities in the top 200. Over the past year, ranking jumped from 42nd to 29th place at Peking University, Tsinghua University, from 39th to 47th place. China Science and Technology University and Fudan University, 153th, and 155th respectively. In the top 400 colleges and universities in the Mainland are Nanjing University, Shanghai Jiaotong University and Zhejiang University.

In addition, China's Hong Kong and Taiwan there are 6 universities in the top 200 in the world, the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of science and technology in the top 50, ranked 43rd and 49th, respectively. In addition, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, ranked 76th, ranked 119th, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, ranked 192th in Taiwan universities ranked 195th.

英国报纸发布最新世界大学排行榜:牛津居首,北大清华排名上升 - 大学排行榜 - IT资讯

据新华社伦敦9月21日电 英国《泰晤士报高等教育》21日公布了2016-17年世界大学排行榜,英国牛津大学取代美国加州理工学院名列榜首,结束了美国大学连续12年垄断榜首的历史。中国北京大学和清华大学进入前五十名。






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