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published in(发表于) 2016/9/24 16:18:56 Edit(编辑)
The transformers 5 photos for the new controversy: Churchill House into a Nazi headquarters

The transformers 5 photos for the new controversy: Churchill House into a Nazi headquarters(《变形金刚5》新片场照片惹争议:丘吉尔故居变成纳粹大本营,)



The transformers 5 photos for the new controversy: Churchill House into a Nazi camp-transformers 5, transformers-IT information

In the wake of King Arthur and Merlin, the transformers 5: the last Knight will appear with this series of unrelated elements – the Nazis and World War II, Churchill and Hitler! As for the recent exposure of the film not only shocked fans, also brought some controversy.

Film crew in the former residence of Prime Minister Winston Churchill Blenheim Palace decorated two huge Nazi flag, seemed United Kingdom headquarters of the Nazis, and near a World War II vehicles and groups played in Nazi uniform. Scene looks like United Kingdom was occupied by the Nazis, or the United Kingdom is also a member of the Nazi camps. It also let a lot of people are not satisfied with the one United Kingdom stationed in Afghanistan's former Commander told the Sun newspaper: "I know it's only a movie, but this is symbolic to Churchill is not respected. ”

Still, many fans are curious about how the transformers 5 Autobot, Decepticon, King Arthur, and Nazi together, what would head installed in the hole of the Bay? The official synopsis of the film has not been announced, so some of the plot in an unknown and a hypothetical State. However there are some unconfirmed episode, fans may be able to provide some ideas.

Mentioned in the synopsis, Optimus Prime will be looking for his saibotan of the planet, a planet of the dead, and in the process he found him with the death star has an unshirkable responsibility. He found a way to bring star back, but until then, he needs to find a work of art. This artwork is still on Earth, but I do not know how to and around--that is, King Arthur's magician Merlin linked together. Merlin's gift of power transformers and he along with this piece of art is available in.

If the story is true, may also be and had some links to this piece of art by the Nazis. Prior to joining Hopkins role had been undecided, according to the set of the film exposure, played by speculation that Hopkins was most likely Churchill.

Transformers 5: the last Knight is currently hot shot, the film will be held on June 23, 2017 in United States theaters.

《变形金刚5》新片场照片惹争议:丘吉尔故居变成纳粹大本营 - 变形金刚5,变形金刚 - IT资讯







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