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published in(发表于) 2016/9/24 16:18:44 Edit(编辑)
Online fraud is rampant in China? United Kingdom more rampant, has come to “dare not to use credit cards“,

Online fraud is rampant in China? United Kingdom more rampant, has come to “dare not to use credit cards“,(中国网络诈骗猖獗?英国更猖獗,已经到了“不敢用信用卡”的地步,)



Online fraud is rampant in China? United Kingdom more rampant, has come to "dare not to use credit cards" to that point where Telecom fraud, Internet scams-IT information

(Original title: British media United Kingdom fraud rampant 5 million people to cancel credit cards)

Reference News Network reported British media said a survey showed that nearly 5 million Britons last year canceled the card, this is now reflected United Kingdom fraud the most clear sign of rampant.

According to the United Kingdom, the times, September 19, survey results show that 10% the United Kingdom adults suffered cyber attacks, identity theft or bank cards after cloning, the replacement of the credit or debit card. Average losses from bank card fraud victims to £ 475, that is to say, stolen funds amounted to over 2 billion pounds.

Reports of Internet fraud is very common that people begin to avoid online payment. The survey first focused on the United Kingdom measures taken to protect the safety of individual accounts of customers because banks refused to disclose specifics on the number of new cards issued each year.

After the victims not only in the event of fraud bank card needs to be replaced, if victims of hackers compromised storage network systems Internet retailer for specific information and access to its account, victims also need to replace Bank cards, huge losses on such a scale will be renewed on the United Kingdom police to deal with cyber-crime made a big enough effort to discuss.

After fraud was included for the first time on the network this year United Kingdom crime rate has increased by almost 1 time for official statistics. These data indicate that, British computer possibilities are encountered in the street robbery was robbed 20 times times more likely. Police are actively investigating Internet fraud is not to this kind of behavior 10% of the total, due to the excessive number of such crimes, the police have to rely on cases related to the a computer program to assess whether it is worth following up. A result, 650 per fraud cases, only a final criminal conviction.

James Daly of the consumer rights organization said: "these figures show that Internet fraud is becoming so popular. Although banks compensate the losses caused by the majority of bank card fraud, but there are many other types of Internet fraud victims did not recover any lost money. At least these people involved in crimes should be thoroughly investigated. ”

Ross Anderson, Professor of security engineering at Cambridge University, said: "often had only one or two in a police force responsible for cyber crime police, so unless online fraud involving terrorism or child pornography, or they will almost certainly get away with it. ”

Reported by United Kingdom polls company--poplar company's study found that 1/3 of the victims of bank fraud through greater use of cash or reduction of online transactions to deal with this issue, where you can see the rampant cyber crime is hurting the digital economy. However, public risk is still underestimated in this regard, 1/4 of people to all the bank cards and online account to set the same password.

Qiaodi·beike is the delegate poplar at the company to carry out the survey of head of company funds, he said, "given that we have so many people shop on the Internet or the movement of funds, coupled with contactless payment is increasingly common, carefully handling your money becomes more important than ever. ”

He said: "to check your bank statements regularly for abnormal activity, because criminals will often steal small sums, rather than one-time swept away a large sum of money is more difficult to attract attention. ”

Reported fraud victims, 5% said they are unhappy with the way banks deal with this issue.

中国网络诈骗猖獗?英国更猖獗,已经到了“不敢用信用卡”的地步 - 电信诈骗,网络诈骗 - IT资讯


参考消息网报道 英媒称,一项调查显示,去年有近500万英国人取消了银行卡,这是目前为止体现英国诈骗活动猖獗程度的最明确迹象。











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