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published in(发表于) 2016/9/23 9:27:50 Edit(编辑)
The transformers 5 trailer for the latest exposure: Hornet sports car style,

The transformers 5 trailer for the latest exposure: Hornet sports car style,(《变形金刚5》最新片场花絮曝光:大黄蜂跑车拉风,)



The transformers 5 trailer for the latest exposure: Hornet sports car style-transformers, transformers 5: the last Knight-IT information

On September 23, although the transformers 5: the last Knight to theaters until June 23, 2017, but the directors may from time to time some tidbits to photograph "provocative" the broad masses of netizens. In recent days, and exposes a set of transformers 5 trailer.

In this trailer, Luo, Mercedes-Benz, Chevrolet kemai GTR supercar in the streets, and although there are no after effects rendering, but cool shape enough to attract the eye. In addition, in this drama, the Hornet prototype style will change.

In addition, news that the Academy Award-winning actor Anthony Hopkins also starred in transformers 5, the transformers will involve the stories of King Arthur, he might play in the film King Arthur's father.

Reportedly, transformers 5: last of Knight will will has two article story line, side is to kaide·yigeer (Mark Wahlberg ornaments) mainly of human, will and Dinosaur diamond with face is coming of new threat; another side is Optimus Prime in space in the search its rulers "five surface blame", is it sent bounty hunter "closed" around raids leader, and Optimus Prime will in way suffered Super Villain "universe Emperor".

(IT News Mobile client users who cannot view the video, please click here to view )

《变形金刚5》最新片场花絮曝光:大黄蜂跑车拉风 - 变形金刚,变形金刚5:最后的骑士 - IT资讯






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