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published in(发表于) 2016/9/23 9:25:28 Edit(编辑)
Gangster speak a number of luxury cars to be auctioned, and hundreds of people driving

Gangster speak a number of luxury cars to be auctioned, and hundreds of people driving(黑社会老大刘汉的多辆豪车被拍卖,上百人现场看车)



Gangster speak a number of luxury cars to be auctioned hundreds of people look (pictured) Han | | _ car auction news

Liu Han-Ho car auctions

Liu Han-Ho car auctions

Liu Han-Ho car auctions

Liu Han-Ho car auctions

Chengdu, Sichuan news network, September 22 (reporter Liu Peipei photo coverage) a few days ago, Chengdu railway transportation intermediate court in network platforms Taobao auction Bentleys, Rolls-Royces and other luxury cars. According to the assessment report published by the Court, the auction's Han case involving a number of luxury cars (Sichuan news net reported).

Sichuan news net reporter seen on judicial auction platform, 13 vehicles for auction of luxury cars, each car is tens of thousands of people "crowd", invited to participate in the auction lot of users at present, all the vehicles participating in the auction have been invited to participate in the auction.

Car notice issued by the Court, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon-4 today, deliberately driving auction cars of their time. Sichuan news net reporter on the scene saw, all parked in a warehouse for auction car, watch at the gate. See a steady stream of people, some groups, some alone.

The warehouse, seized the car to stay quiet, look around the vehicle look, take pictures with cell phones, opening the door to try and discussion with driving people around. "The car cheaper, is feeling a little old! "" These are luxury cars, price is a good deal! "Change of the public discussion going strong, most everyone is concerned about the Lamborghini and Rolls Royce, a large crowd gathered around the truck look, tricks of the car also opens the hood, lighting with the mobile phone, check the engine. Reporters learned that Lamborghini sold at auction starting price of 476,000, 49 people had been invited to auction; Rolls-Royce's starting price is more than 730,000 yuan, current bidder for enrolment is 16 people.

Sichuan news net reporter noted, has a lady with a cell phone at the scene of each car were shot down. According to the Lady introduced, she is from Yunnan, now in Chengdu to attend graduate school. Today, she is far away hometown in Yunnan's father saw the message on the Web, called her to the site to look at the car, and take back to Yunnan. "I like that Red's Lamborghini, however I don't know where my father is Italian, first sent him the pictures. ”

In addition to the ordinary citizen, Sichuan news net reporter met a shangdeng used cars at the scene. Mr Tang said he saw on the Internet information, auction cars are good cars, and rise in market value. "Not sure you want to buy now, and look at the condition, does not rule out buying their own! "Mr Tang said, he saw a lot of familiar peers on the site.

Field marshal introduces cars today have at least 200 people.

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On May 23, 2014, Liu Han, Liu Wei and other 36 people suspected of organizing, leading and participating in Mafia crimes and murder cases in Hubei Xianning verdicts. Han, liouville's first trial was sentenced to the death penalty. On August 7, 2014, the Hubei provincial higher people's Court of second instance verdict, maintained the death sentence of the first instance for Liu Han, Liu Wei, judgment will be reported to the Supreme People's Court review of death penalty. On February 9, 2015, Han was executed.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Liu Hanhao car auction

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黑社会老大刘汉的多辆豪车被拍卖 上百人现场看车(图)|刘汉|豪车拍卖_新闻资讯





  四川新闻网成都9月22日讯(记者 刘佩佩 摄影报道)日前,成都铁路运输中级法院在网络平台淘宝网上公开拍卖宾利、劳斯莱斯等豪车。根据法院公布的评估报告,此次拍卖涉及刘汉案的多辆豪车(四川新闻网曾报道)。









责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

刘汉 豪车拍卖


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